Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

Proposed Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Flag salute
  3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)
  4. Changes or Additions to the Agenda
  5. Consent Agenda
  6. Public Comments
  7. Hearing of individuals or groups
  8. Superintendent’s Report
  9. Board Policy Review, as per:
    1. Annual policy review calendar;
    2. WSSDA updates; and
    3. Emerging issues in the district.
  10. Personnel
    1. Certificated
    2. Classified
  11. Students and school programs
  12. Buildings and grounds
  13. Transportation
  14. Food services
  15. Construction
  16. Finance
  17. Audit of payroll and vouchers
    1. Financial reports
  18. Reports by individual board members
  19. Adjournment

Consent Agenda
The basic purpose of a consent agenda is to recognize routine matters in an expeditious manner. If a debatable item appears on the consent agenda, the item may be removed at the request of a board member and inserted at an appropriate place on the agenda.

Some examples of items that may be included on the consent agenda are:

  1. Authorization of superintendent to sign claim forms on behalf of district;
  2. Approval of personnel actions (resignations, retirements, employments, discharges) during the month; or
  3. Approval of staff travel during the month.

The board shall receive supporting information for the consent agenda items along with the regular agenda materials. Upon approval of the board, a list of all consent agenda items shall appear in the minutes.


Adoption Date: 06/26/13