Planning Process

The superintendent, in consultation with the board, is authorized to appoint the planning team. A broad spectrum of community and educational leaders will constitute the team. A chair for the process will be selected by the superintendent in consultation with the board. The team will establish a schedule of planning meetings.

The team continues to oversee implementation of the plan over time. Vacancies are filled by the superintendent on the advice of the chair and in consultation with the board.

The district’s planning process includes the following steps:

  1. Planning: A series of planning sessions shall be held over the course of six months on dates established by the team. The process will conclude with a draft plan. The plan will be submitted to the board for review, amendment and adoption following a public hearing. The strategic plan adopted by the board will be incorporated in the district’s official policies.
  2. Management and Implementation: The management and implementation phase of the planning process is primarily the responsibility of the administration. The district may utilize action planning task forces comprised of community members and staff to develop detailed plans to accomplish the goals of the plan. If developed, action plans will be reviewed by the board, and if adopted, codified in the district’s official policies. The superintendent is authorized to appoint the action planning task forces.
  3. Annual Refocusing Meeting: Prior to June 1st of each year the leadership team will report to the board in a public meeting on the implementation of the plan and recommend changes that may be necessary or beneficial. The board, in consultation with the superintendent, will review the progress of the plan, and consider amendments and changes in priorities in the plan in terms of changed and changing circumstances. Proposed amendments to components of the plan shall be considered by the board following a public hearing on the merits of the proposed amendments.


Cross Reference:        
Board Policy 0560    Action Plans
Board Policy 0700    Plan Evaluation

Management Resource:

Policy News, February 2012         Planning Model Policies (Series 0000) Updated

Date: Jan. 22, 2014