What is the Multilingual Learner Program?

Multilingual Learners (formerly English Language Learners/ELL) refers to students who have consistent experience with multiple languages. These students may have a current proficiency level in English that qualifies them for additional language support through the Washington State Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP). The goal of the program is to assist students in developing their English language proficiency and grade-level content knowledge at the same time.

  • The program helps students to learn English and to do well in their classes.
  • Specialists work with students in small groups or in classes to learn English language for school.
  • Specialists work with other classroom teachers to help them know how to support students. 

Program Definition

Washington state law WAC 392-160 defines “Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program” as a system of instruction which:

  • Uses two languages, one of which is English, as a means of instruction to build upon and expand language skills to enable a student to achieve competency in English.
  • Teaches concepts and knowledge in the primary language of a student, while the student also acquires English language skills.
  • Tests students in the subject matter in English.

How are students identified for multilingual services?

  • All families fill out the Home Language Survey when they enroll their children. This asks what language the student first learned. If it is not English, staff assesses the student’s English skills. Based on the results, the student may qualify for ELL services.

Learn more about the multilingual education program on OSPI’s website.




Irene Reither Elementary School
Holly Li
Twan Mathijssen
Attosa Balas

Meridian Middle School
Judith Zink

Meridian High School
Larisa Shuvalova