Nutrition, Health, and Physical Education

The board recognizes that a healthy school environment prepares students for college, careers, and successful futures. Students who eat well-balanced meals and engage in regular exercise are more likely to learn in the classroom. The board supports the district’s increased emphasis on nutrition, health, physical education, and physical activity at all grade levels to enhance the well-being of the district’s students. Therefore, it is the policy of the board to provide students with access to nutritious food, emphasize health education and physical education, and provide students with opportunities for physical activity. The board recognizes the benefits of scheduling at least 20 minutes of seat time for lunch for every student and scheduling recess before lunch for elementary students. Consequently, to the extent appropriate and feasible, the superintendent or designee will strive to identify and remove barriers to these practices and periodically report back to the board.

Wellness Policy
The district, through a wellness committee, will develop and implement a comprehensive wellness policy in compliance with state and federal requirements for districts participating in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.

Nutrition and Food Services Program
The board supports the philosophy of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and will provide wholesome and nutritious meals for children in the district’s schools. The board authorizes the superintendent or designee to administer the food services program, provided that any decision to enter into a contract with a food service management company will require the approval of the board. Expenditures for food supplies shall not exceed the estimated revenues.

The superintendent or designee is responsible for:

  • Annually distributing meal applications and determining eligibility for school meals;
  • Protecting the identity of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals;
  • Ensuring meals meet USDA meal pattern requirements;
  • Ensuring meal periods are in compliance with USDA regulations;
  • Establishing a Food Safety Plan;
  • Determining meal prices and submitting them to the board for approval annually;
  • Using the full entitlement of USDA Foods;
  • Maintaining a nonprofit school food service account;
  • Ensuring all revenues are used solely for the school meal program;
  • Establishing a meal charge policy if not serving meals at no cost to students;
  • Accommodating children with special dietary needs;
  • Ensuring compliance with USDA nondiscrimination policies;
  • Following proper procurement procedures; and
  • Ensuring compliance with the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.

Health and Physical Education Program
The district’s K-12 health and physical education programs will be aligned with the Washington State Health and Physical Education K-12 Learning Standards and will include, but not be limited to, the development of knowledge and skills to be physically active, eat nutritiously, access reliable health information and services, communicate effectively, and set health-enhancing goals.

The district will ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • All students in grades one through eight receive an average of one hundred instructional minutes per week of physical education per year.
  • All high school students are required to complete a minimum of three semesters (1.5 credits) of physical education and one semester (.5 credit) of health education.
  • Any student who is excused from participation on account of physical disability, employment, religious belief, participation in directed athletics or military science and tactics, or for other good cause will be required to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge portion of the fitness requirement, in accordance with district policy.
  • The district will offer a one-credit course or its equivalent in physical education for each grade in the high school program (grades 9-12).
  • All students have equal and equitable opportunities for health and physical education.
  • All students, from kindergarten through grade 12, will participate in a quality, standards-based health and physical education program.
  • OSPI developed assessments or other strategies will be used in health and physical education, formerly known as classroom-based assessments.

Additionally, school districts must conduct an annual review of their physical education (PE) programs. The review must consist of numerous provisions, including:

  • The number of individual students completing a PE class during the school year;
  • The average number of minutes per week of PE received by students in grades 1 through 8, expressed in appropriate reporting ranges;
  • The number of students granted waivers (excused from participation) from PE requirements;
  • An indication of whether all PE classes are taught by instructors who possess a valid health and fitness endorsement;
  • The PE class sizes, expressed in appropriate reporting ranges;
  • An indication of whether, as a matter of policy or procedure, the district routinely modifies and adapts its PE curriculum for students with disabilities; and
  • An indication of whether the district routinely excludes students from PE classes for disciplinary reasons.

As a best practice and subject to available funding, the district will strive to ensure that the following occur:

  • Students will be moderately to vigorously active for at least 50% of class time during most or all physical education class sessions.
  • All schools will have certificated physical education teachers providing instruction.
  • All schools will have appropriate class sizes, facilities, equipment, and supplies needed to deliver quality health and physical education consistent with state standards.
  • All physical education teachers will be encouraged to participate in professional development in physical education at least once a year.

Physical Activity
Physical education class is not to be used or withheld as punishment for any reason. All schools, as a best practice and subject to available funding, will participate in a multi-component approach by which schools use all opportunities for students to be physically active, such as the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and will provide the following:

  • Quality physical education;
  • Physical activity during the school day (e.g., brain boosters/energizers);
  • Physical activity before and after school;
  • Recess that aims to be safe, inclusive, and high quality;
  • Family and community engagement;
  • Staff wellness and health promotion;
  • Opportunities for active transportation to school; and
  • Access to school district facilities for physical activity, fitness, sports, and recreation programs.

Cross References:

Board Policy 2150 – Co-Curricular Program
Board Policy 2151 – Interscholastic Activities
Board Policy 2161 – Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
Board Policy 2162 – Education of Students With Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Board Policy 2410 – High School Graduation Requirements
Board Policy 3210 – Nondiscrimination
Board Policy 3422 – Student Sports – Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Board Policy 4260 – Use of School Facilities

Legal References:

Legal References: RCW 28A.210.365 Food choice, physical activity, childhood fitness — Minimum standards — District waiver or exemption policy.
RCW 28A.230.040 Physical Education – Grades 1-8
RCW 28A.230.050 Physical Education in High Schools
RCW 28A.230.095 Essential academic learning requirements and assessments — Verification reports.
RCW 28A.235.120 Meal Programs — Establishment and Operation — Personnel — Agreements
RCW 28A.235.130 Milk for children at school expense
RCW 28A.235.140 School breakfast programs
RCW 28A. 235.145 School breakfast and lunch programs –Use of state funds
RCW 28A. 235.150 School breakfast and lunch programs – Grants to increase participation – Increased state support
RCW 28A.235.160 Requirements to implement school breakfast, lunch and summer food service programs – Exemptions
RCW 28A.235.170 Washington grown fresh fruit and vegetable grant program
RCW 28A.623.020 Nonprofit program for elderly — Authorized — Restrictions
RCW 69.04 Intrastate Commerce in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics
RCW 69.06.010 Food and beverage service worker’s permit — Filing, duration — Minimum training requirements
RCW 69.06.020 Permit exclusive and valid throughout state — Fee
RCW 69.06.030 Diseased persons — May not work — Employer may not hire
RCW 69.06.050 Permit to be secured within fourteen days from time of employment.
RCW 69.06.070 Limited duty permit
WAC 180-51-068 State subject and credit requirements for high school graduation—Students entering the ninth grade on or after July 1, 2015.
WAC 392-157-125 Time for meals
WAC 392-410-135 Physical Education – Grade school and high school requirement.
WAC 392-410-136 Physical Education Requirement-Excuse
2 CFR Part 200 – Procurement
7 CFR, Parts 210 and 220
7 CFR, Part 245.5

Management Resources:

2023 – July Issue
2022 – June Issue
2018 – May Issue
2017 – July Issue
2017 – April Issue
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program
2015 – June Issue
Recommendations for Waivers in High School Physical Education/Fitness Education, OSPI (September 2013)
2014 – February Issue
Wellness Policy Best Practices, OSPI (January 2013)
Policy News, February 2005 Nutrition and Physical Fitness Policy
Policy News, December 2004 Nutrition and Physical Fitness Update
Alliance for a Healthier Generation Wellness Policies
OSPI Child Nutrition School Wellness Policy Best Practices for Policy Development, Implementation and Evaluation

Adoption Date: 07/20/05
Classification: Essential
Revised Dates: 01/08/14; 05/09/18; 08/19/20; 11/02/22; 9/6/23