Workplace Violence Prevention
The district does not tolerate violence in the workplace and will work to prevent violent incidents from occurring by implementing a workplace violence prevention program. All employees of the district are responsible for implementing and maintaining the violence prevention program. The workplace violence prevention program establishes and requires adherence to work practices that are designed to make the workplace more secure. It also reinforces the ban on verbal threats or physical actions by employees that create a security hazard for others.
Additionally, the district does not tolerate domestic violence, including harassment of any employee or other person while in the district’s buildings or vehicles, while on district property, or while engaged in school or work-related activities. The district is committed to working with employees who are victims of domestic violence to prevent abuse and harassment from occurring in the workplace. No employees will be penalized or disciplined solely for being a victim of domestic violence. The district will provide appropriate support and assistance to employees who are victims of domestic violence. Any employee who threatens, harasses, or abuses someone in the district or from their workplace using district resources such as work time, district telephones, fax machines, mail, or e-mail will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Corrective action or discharge may also be taken against employees who are arrested, convicted, or permanently enjoined as a result of domestic violence when such action is directly related to their position with the district.
All violent incidents will be reported and investigated, whether or not a physical injury has occurred. There will be no discrimination against victims of workplace violence. Copies of this policy and support materials will be made readily available to all employees. The superintendent or designee is directed to adopt procedures to implement this policy, including creation of the workplace violence prevention group which will: assess the district’s vulnerability to workplace violence, recommend preventive actions and employee training programs, and review the program annually for possible adjustments.
Cross Reference:
Policy 4210 Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises
Policy 5281 Disciplinary Action and Discharge
Policy 6511 Staff Safety
Adoption Date: 01.08.14