Food and Beverage Consumption

The board recognizes that employees and others associated with the district are expected to pay for their own food and beverages. Under certain circumstances when the district is deriving benefit, however, the district may expend funds for food and beverage consumed by employees and others while in the conduct of the business of the district. It is not the intent of the board to displace an employee’s normal expenses for meals.

The superintendent is directed to establish procedures which reflect the intent of the board to provide for reasonable food and beverage consumption while in the conduct of business that is of benefit to the district.



Cross References:

Board Policy 6213 – Reimbursement for Travel Expenses

Legal References:

RCW 43.03.050 – Subsistence, lodging and Refreshment, and per diem allowance for officials, employees, and members of boards, commissions, and committees

Adoption Date: 11/01/23
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: