Procedure – Staff Development

Professional Growth Plan

The minimum elements of the district’s professional growth plan will be:
A. A Professional Growth Program Committee that will consist of at least the following: one teacher from the K-8 level; one teacher from the high school level; one itinerant certificated support staff person; one representative of counseling, assessment, library and/or other certificated support staff; one central office administrator; one K-8 building administrator; and one high school building administrator;

B. Certificated staff will use one or more of the following sources of information in developing their individual professional growth plans: peer review and evaluation, input by parents, input by students, personal and/or professional goals, school district goals, building goals, self-assessment, personal academic records, and school district evaluations; and

C. Materials, records or portfolios expressly developed as a result of an individual’s participation in the professional growth program will be the property of the participant, and will not be retained in the employee’s personnel file or used by the district in its formal evaluation process.

In-Service Training Program

In order to participate in the state In-service Training Program the district will:

A. Conduct a needs assessment. Provide a signed statement of assurance to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that the district will implement the recommendations of the needs assessment;

B. Appoint, by the board of directors, an advisory in-service training task force comprised of representatives from central administration, building administration, teachers, classified and support personnel, an institution of higher education and the general public;

C. Establish with the advisory in-service training task force written goals and objectives, identify training activities relevant to the goals and objectives, and design evaluation procedures and criteria to assess the success of the training activities in meeting the goals and objectives. A majority of the task force must concur; and

D. Not supplant current district funding of existing in-service training and staff development programs with state In-service Training Program funds.

School District Staff Social-Emotional Learning Training and Cultural Competency, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

Beginning in the 2020–21 school year, and every other school year thereafter, the district must use one of the professional learning days funded under RCW 28A.150.415 to train school district staff in one or more of the following topics: Social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, using the model plan developed under RCW 28A.320.1271 related to recognition and response to emotional or behavioral distress, consideration of adverse childhood experiences, mental health literacy, antibullying strategies, or culturally sustaining practices.

In the 2021–22 school year, the district must use one of the professional learning days funded under RCW 28A.150.415 to train school district staff in one or more of the following topics: Cultural competency, diversity, equity, or inclusion.
Beginning in the 2023–24 school year, and every other school year thereafter, the district must use one of the professional learning days funded under RCW 28A.150.415 to provide to school district staff a variety of opportunities for training, professional development, and professional learning aligned with the cultural competency, equity, diversity, and inclusion standards of practice developed by the Washington professional educator standards board under RCW 28A.410.260. Alignment with the standards of practice must be evaluated using the rubrics developed under RCW 28A.410.260. The opportunities must also include training on multicultural education and principles of English language acquisition.

For purposes of this social-emotional learning training and cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training, “school district staff” includes classified staff, certificated instructional staff, certificated administrative staff, and superintendents.


Adoption Date: 10.23.13

Classification: Discretionary

Revised Dates: 12.21