The district will observe the following school holidays and will not operate on these days:
1. Sunday;
2. New Years’ Day (January l) ;
3. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January) ;
4. President’s Day (third Monday in February);
5. Memorial Day (last Monday in May);
6. Juneteenth (June 19);
7. Independence Day (July 4);
8. Labor Day (first Monday in September);
9. Veteran’s Day (November 11);
10. Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November);
11. The day after Thanksgiving; and
12. Christmas Day (December 25).
Whenever any legal holiday, other than a Sunday, falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be a legal holiday, and whenever any legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be a legal holiday.
In addition to the above, the following will also be considered to be holidays: the day before Christmas, the day after Christmas and the day before New Years Day (December 24, December 26 and December 31).
Cross Reference:
Board Policy 2336 Required Observances (Veterans Day, Constitution Day, Temperance and Good Citizenship Day, Disability History Month)
Legal References:
RCW 1.16.050 Legal holidays and legislatively recognized days
28A.150.050 School Holidays
Adoption Date: 10/23/13
Revised: 12/21; 02/23