Staff under contract to the district will be paid according to current staff salary schedules.
Application of Course Credits to the Certificated Salary Schedule
The district will provide for the review and adjustment of certificated staff contracts on the basis of information filed with the personnel office by October 1st . The staff member will provide the personnel office, according to schedule, with the required information, including official college or university transcripts, official records of degrees completed, official records of approval and completion of authorized work for equivalent credits and all other pertinent data for contract adjustment purposes.
Credits earned by certificated staff will be eligible for application to the state salary schedule only if the course content meets one of the following criteria:
- The course is consistent with a school-based plan for mastery of student learning goals identified in the annual school performance report for the school in which the staff member is assigned;
- The course pertains to the individual’s current assignment or expected assignment for the subsequent school year;
- The course is necessary to obtain an endorsement required by the Washington Professional Educator Standards Board;
- The course is specifically required to obtain an advanced level of certification;
- The course is part of a college or university degree program that pertains to the staff member’s current or potential future assignment as instructional staff; or
- The course addresses research-based assessment and instructional strategies for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia and language disabilities when addressing Washington State Learning Goal One.
Military, Peace Corps, or Vista Service Credit
The superintendent is authorized to grant one year of increment credit for each year served in the military, Peace Corps or Vista service or professional employment, if such service interrupted the staff member’s actual teaching career. For purposes of credit, one-half or more of a year of service will be counted as a full year.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.405.200 Annual salary schedule as basis for salaries for certificated employees
WAC 392-121-264 Definition — Certificated years of experience
Management Resources:
Policy News, December 2005 Addition to Certificated Staff Course Options
Adoption Date: 11/13/13