Recognition and De Minimis Policy

The Meridian School District recognizes employee contributions and service to the organization by presenting employee recognition and service awards to eligible employees according to the guidelines below.

The Meridian School District may reward outstanding performance and productivity by presenting recognition awards to eligible employees. Generally, the Superintendent, or their designee, will be responsible for setting eligibility requirements, and implementing the different programs. Principals, department heads and supervisors may assist in determining award recipients for the Superintendent’s Service Awards. In most cases, service awards will be presented at a Board of Director meeting following the determination of an award recipient. The Superintendent, or their designee is responsible for identifying the employees who will be honored, notifying the presenter, ordering the awards, and arranging for appropriate announcements and publication of awards, both internally and externally.

Awards and other purchase made for employees will be infrequent in nature and will not exceed a value of $75. Such awards and purchases will be cognizant as to avoid the appearance of being a gift of public funds and will avoid such items that a reasonable person would consider to be an inappropriate use of public monies.

Principals and Directors may also recognize outstanding service within their teams as well. Each will determine a process for recognizing their staff, either individually or as a group. When this occurs at the building or team level the awards and other purchases made for the employees will not exceed a nominal value of $25.

Cross References: 5251 – Conflicts of Interest

Adoption Date: 01/27/21

Classification: Discretionary