Part-Time Staff

Depending upon the needs of the district, part-time staff will be hired. The superintendent will be responsible for recommending to the board the number of part-time positions required, if any, and nominees to fill such positions.

Wages and benefits, including but not limited to, sick leave and premiums paid by the district for medical and dental insurance, will be pro-rated according to the percentage of the regular work week worked by each part-time staff member.

Part-time staff will receive educational experience credits at the rates established in Chapter 392-121 WAC. If the part-time staff member moves to a full-time position, the part-time service will be converted to full-time, full-year experience for salary schedule purposes. When the teaching experience is compiled, the total years of service will be determined in accordance with state reporting requirements. Part-time staff will be entitled to credit on the salary schedule for any educational increments earned.



Legal References:   
WAC 392-121-215 Definition — Full-time equivalent (FTE) basic education certificated instructional staff

392-121-264 Definition — certificated years of experience

392-121-270   Placement of basic education certificated employees on LEAP salary allocation documents

392-121-295   Definition — District average certificated instructional staff mix factor



Adoption Date: 10/23/13
