Student Incentives

The Meridian Board of Directors recognizes that providing students with prizes or awards can serve as a meaningful incentive for increasing academic achievement, promoting civility, encouraging physical fitness and for encouraging students to become responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learners.

The board supports awarding incentives to recognize a student’s academic, social, leadership and athletic achievements.

All incentives will support individual student achievement and the district’s curriculum, programs, academic or attendance goals. Therefore, every student recipient will receive an incentive only if the activity relates to the primary mission and goal of the district to increase student academic achievement.

District funds may be used to provide student incentives that meet the board’s objective of increasing academic achievement.

The superintendent or designee will develop procedures to implement this policy.


Cross References:
Board Policy 3510 Associated Student Bodies
Board Policy 6114 Gifts

Legal References:
Washington Constitution, Article VIII, § 5 and § 7

Management Resources:
Policy News, February 2011 Student Incentives


Adoption Date: 08/28/13
