Grading and Progress Reports

The board believes that the cooperation of school and home is a vital ingredient in the growth and education of the student and recognizes the district’s responsibility to keep parents informed of student welfare and progress in school.

The district will issue grades and written or electronic progress reports, and provide opportunities for parent conferences to serve as a basis for continuous evaluation of the student’s performance and to help in determining changes that should be made to effect improvement. These written and verbal reports will be designed to provide information that will be helpful to the student, teacher, counselor and parent.

The district will comply with the marking/grading system incorporated into the statewide standardized high school transcript. Secondary students’ grade points will be reported for each term, individually and cumulatively.

The superintendent will establish a system of reporting student progress and will require all staff members to comply with such a system as part of their teaching responsibility.

At the beginning of each term, each teacher will specify in writing the student learning goals or standards for his/her respective courses. If participation is used as the basis of mastery of a goal or standard, a student’s grades may be adversely affected for failure to attend or participate, provided on that day there was a graded participation activity. If the teacher does not so advise students in writing, the teacher may not use attendance and participation in the grading process. Students who feel that attendance or tardiness factors have been unfairly applied, may appeal to the principal to determine a resolution.

A student’s grade report may be withheld until such time the student pays for any school property that has been lost or willfully damaged. Upon payment for damages or the equivalency through voluntary work, the grade report will be released. The student or his/her parents may appeal the imposition of a charge for damages to the superintendent and board of directors.

Cross References:     

Board Policy 3122   Excused and Unexcused Absences

Board Policy 3520   Student Fines, Fees and Charges

Legal References:  

RCW 28A.150.240(2)(g)   Basic Education Act — Certificated teaching & administrative staff as accountable for classroom teaching — Scope — Responsibilities — Penalty

RCW 28A.600.030     Grading policies — Option to consider Attendance

RCW 28A.635.060   Defacing or injuring school property — Liability of pupil, parent, or guardian Withholding grades, diploma, or transcripts — Suspension and restitution — Voluntary work program as alternative — Rights protected

WAC 180-44-010    Responsibilities Related to instruction

WAC 392-210    Student testing and evaluation — Washington State Honors Award Program

WAC 392-400-235   Discipline — Conditions and limitations

WAC 392-415    Secondary Education — Standardized High School Transcript

Adoption Date: 07/24/13
