Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda
Proposed Agenda
- Call to order
- Flag salute
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)
- Changes or Additions to the Agenda
- Consent Agenda
- Public Comments
- Hearing of individuals or groups
- Superintendent’s Report
- Board Policy Review, as per:
- Annual policy review calendar;
- WSSDA updates; and
- Emerging issues in the district.
- Personnel
- Certificated
- Classified
- Students and school programs
- Buildings and grounds
- Transportation
- Food services
- Construction
- Finance
- Audit of payroll and vouchers
- Financial reports
- Reports by individual board members
- Adjournment
Consent Agenda
The basic purpose of a consent agenda is to recognize routine matters in an expeditious manner. If a debatable item appears on the consent agenda, the item may be removed at the request of a board member and inserted at an appropriate place on the agenda.
Some examples of items that may be included on the consent agenda are:
- Authorization of superintendent to sign claim forms on behalf of district;
- Approval of personnel actions (resignations, retirements, employments, discharges) during the month; or
- Approval of staff travel during the month.
The board shall receive supporting information for the consent agenda items along with the regular agenda materials. Upon approval of the board, a list of all consent agenda items shall appear in the minutes.
Adoption Date: 06/26/13