Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures
Policy Adoption
Proposed new policies and proposed changes in existing policies will be presented in writing for reading and discussion. Unless it is deemed by the board that immediate action would be in the best interests of the district, the final vote for adoption will take place not earlier than the next succeeding regular or special board meeting. Any written statement by any person relative to a proposed policy or amendment should be directed to the board secretary prior to the second reading. The board may invite oral statements from staff members or community members as an order of business.
When the board of directors is considering a district policy or amendment to policy that is not expressly or by implication authorized by state or federal law, but which will promote the education of kindergarten through twelfth grade students in public schools or will promote the effective, efficient or safe management and operation of the district, the proposed policy will be described in any notice of the meetings at which the policy will be considered, if the notice is issued pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch. 42.30 RCW. The board of directors will provide an opportunity for public written and oral comment on such policies before adoption or amendment.
In the event that immediate action on a proposed policy is necessary, the motion for its adoption will provide that immediate adoption is in the best interest of the district. No further action is required. All new or amended policies will become effective upon adoption, unless a specific effective date is provided in the motion for adoption.
Policies as adopted or amended will be made a part of the minutes of the meeting at which action was taken and will also be included in the district’s policy manual.
Non-substantive editorial revisions and changes in administrative, legal and/or cross references need not be approved by the board.
Policy Manuals
The superintendent will develop and maintain a current policy manual which contains the policies of the district.
The manual is intended as both a tool for district management as well as a source of information to community members, staff and others about how the district operates. To that end, each administrator will have ready access to the manual. In addition, a manual will be available as the superintendent may determine for the use of staff, students and community members.
All policy manuals distributed to anyone will remain the property of the district. They will be subject to recall at any time.
Administrative Procedures
The superintendent will develop such administrative procedures as are necessary to ensure consistent implementation of policies adopted by the board.
When a written procedure is developed, the superintendent will submit it to the board as an information item. Such procedures need not be approved by the board, though the board may request a revision when it appears that they are not consistent with the board’s intentions as expressed in its policies. Procedures need not be reviewed by the board prior to their issuance; however, on controversial topics, the superintendent may request prior board consultation.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.320.010 Corporate powers
RCW 28A.320.040 Directors — Bylaws for board and school government
RCW 42.30.060 Ordinances, rules, resolutions, regulations, etc., adopted at public meetings — Notice— Secret voting prohibited
Adoption Date: 01/17/01
Revised: 06/26/13