Commitment to Planning
Responsible Governance:
The Meridian Board of Directors will provide leadership focused on promoting student achievement through planning, policy setting, advocacy and monitoring of performance so each and every student succeeds.
Creating Conditions for Student and Staff Success:
The Board of Directors will create conditions district-wide for student and staff success by:
- Providing for the safety and security of staff and students;
- Employing and supporting quality teachers, administrators and other staff;
- Providing rigorous curriculum, technology and high quality facilities;
- Ensuring management of the organization; and
- Adopting and monitoring an annual budget that allocates resources based on the district’s vision, goals and priorities for learning.
High Expectations for Student Learning
The board will adopt a collaboratively developed district plan focused on learning and achievement for all students. The district’s plan will communicate high expectations for student learning and set clear plans for meeting those expectations. The board will continuously articulate the belief that all students can learn and that each student’s learning can improve regardless of existing circumstances or resources. The board will act as leaders of a vision of shared learning that is supported by individual schools and the community.
District Accountability for Student Learning:
The plan adopted by the district will demonstrate the district’s commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement at each school and throughout the district, the board’s commitment to evaluating the superintendent on clear and focused expectations, and its commitment to measuring student academic progress and needs based on valid and reliable assessments.
Community Engagement
The board will ensure district transparency through processes that are open and accountable. The board will collaborate with families and community members to respond to diverse interests and needs and to mobilize community resources. The district will communicate district information community-wide and solicit input from a wide spectrum of the community so that a diverse range of interests, needs and perspectives on issues are considered in district decision making.
Management Resources:
Policy News February 2012 Planning Model Policies (Series 0000) Updated
Date: Jan. 22, 2014