Meridian School District’s Facility Naming and Dedication Committee will be working towards recommending a name for Meridian High School’s stadium field after a former Meridian community member, teacher, coach or staff member.

Basis for Establishment:
MSD board policy 6970 requires the superintendent to select a committee whose purpose it will be to submit to the board a list of not less than three, nor more than five, names for a new school and/or district facility. The list will briefly state, along with each name, why the committee nominated each name. The committee may solicit nominations from students and the community.

The committee will, whenever possible, follow these guidelines:

  1. Each name will be known to, and significant to, the people of the district;

a. Outstanding, distinguished, and long-term service to the school or school district
b. An individual whose life, work, and activities exemplify the values and ideals of the school district and school community
c. An individual whose contributions to the school or school district sets them apart and goes far beyond the contributions of most individuals and those contributions are recognized by their peers, both in the district and elsewhere
d. Whenever possible, the name of the individual should grace a portion of the school or school district facility that is associated with the individual’s field of interest and contributions to the school or school district.

2. The names submitted will not conflict with the names of other schools in the district or surrounding districts; and

 3. If a name of an individual, living or deceased, is proposed, such person’s direct connection with the district must have been discontinued for at least five years prior to being considered for Board approval

4. Regarding physical memorials or tributes, individuals are encouraged to work closely with principals to find ways other than memorials to honor the deceased.

Decision-Making Process:
The committee will collect and review names that are proposed as options for naming the stadium (football/soccer) field at Meridian High School. The athletic director, along with committee members, will review names which will be submitted to the school board for consideration. Meetings will focus on discussion and evaluating which names meet the established criteria. Each meeting will begin with a review of the previous meetings’ topic; the group will use consensus voting rules to agree on which names should be submitted.

Plan of Work:
The committee will include the athletic director and may include staff, parents, students and community members. A team of 6-10 stakeholders will meet four times from March – June 2025 to review and discuss names submitted for consideration. The committee will meet for up to four scheduled 1-hour meetings. Each meeting will focus on names that have been submitted and if they meet the criteria. The committee will propose 3-5 names for school board consideration by July 2025.

Meeting Dates: Meetings are from 4 to 5 p.m. on the following dates. All meetings will be held in the athletic office at Meridian High School. 

  • March 12 
  • April 16 
  • May 7 (if needed)
  • June 11 (if needed)

Membership: A team of 6-10 stakeholders.

  • Bryant Michaelson, Director of Athletics and Activities, chair
  • Steve Miller, community member
  • Randy Kirk, community member
  • Mark Simmons, community member
  • Vaughn Hagen, community member
  • Shane Stacy, teacher, coach and parent
  • Eden Bernardy, student

Applications open Feb. 12-26.