We’ve received questions regarding the cost of building a new Meridian Middle School. The estimated cost includes various factors such as site development, demolition, construction escalation, taxes and more. A detailed breakdown of the costs is available on our website.

When discussing bonds, you hear the phrase, “levies are for learning, and bonds are for building.” This is an important distinction, as these are two separate funding sources that cannot be used interchangeably.

While fundraising can support smaller projects, constructing a new school costs millions of dollars, which exceeds the district’s budget. The primary way districts can fund the construction of new schools is through bonds, which require a 60% supermajority vote to pass. The Meridian Middle School project will cost an estimated $70.9 million. This includes $16.2 million in state-match funds. Learn more about the costs and financial impact in the videos below or on our website. 

How do you calculate the cost of a new school? (Video – 1 minute)

Why can’t we fundraise or save money over time? (Video – 1 minute)

What is the difference between a levy and bond? (Video – 1 minute)