A Message from Superintendent Dr. James Everett
After sharing with you in April that we would not need to do a reduction-in-force, we have been working diligently to continue to balance the budget. In order to address a nearly $2 million shortfall, we looked at our needs districtwide. Our primary goal has been to retain staff and to ensure we are still providing the best possible educational experience for our students.
As you know, state funding for school districts has decreased over the past few years, placing additional pressure on us to do more with limited resources. Inflation, rising costs and stagnant revenues have further compounded the situation.
To address this, we’ve leveraged attrition by not filling positions left vacant due to retirements or resignations, and moving existing staff to other roles that suit their strengths. One example of this is Robert Kratzig moving to Meridian High School to fill the assistant principal vacancy, and Jill Hammack is moving to Meridian Middle School to become assistant principal. We greatly appreciate everyone’s flexibility and understanding with these moves. Additionally, our principals, directors and executive team have committed to taking three furlough days next year to help balance the budget.
Our budget for 2024-25 will be presented to the school board on June 26. Looking at next year, our budget will remain tight. We aim to maintain a balanced budget, grow our fund balance and continue to find cost savings. We are committed to providing excellent education while ensuring financial stability. Once the 2024-25 budget is approved it will be available on our website.