Greetings Meridian Students and Families,
Additionally, our Community Involvement Committee is interested in feedback from the community about ways to become involved in the district. We have set up a ThoughtExchange Community Involvement Survey for people to share their thoughts on this topic. It will be open for the next two weeks.
- This exchange is confidential. Your thoughts will be shared, but not your identity.
- Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts. This is a community forum, please respect the opinions of others.
- Please note the system is set to remove thoughts that include rude and inappropriate language.
- You do not need to rate all thoughts in this exchange. It is appreciated and recommended to rate around 30 over the time the exchange is open.
Thank you, in advance, for sharing your thoughts.
Additionally, many of you are aware that tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of the devastating September 11th attacks. We honor and remember all those who perished and the first responders who worked so hard to help those in need twenty years ago. [There is a wealth of information on the 9/11 Memorial & Museum website.]