Welcome Back!
Meridian School District is excited to welcome back students and families to full-time, in-person instruction for the 2021-2022 school year on Sept. 2, 2021! We hope everyone enjoyed a restful summer.
There are many great things happening here at Meridian. Our drive continues to be following through on our Vision and Purpose. It is important work that will never conclude. We are constantly seeking to improve ourselves and how we serve our students.
Vision: Each student will succeed through quality, inspirational and innovative education.
Purpose: The Meridian School District works in partnership with our families and our community to educate each student in a safe and supportive learning environment to become a positive contributor to society.
Learning Thrives Here
As we progress in our return to normal, we are more committed than ever to fulfilling our Vision and Purpose. Learning Thrives Here was a theme introduced prior to the pandemic that still carries our intent of providing strong educational programs where students are both challenged and supported. We are continuing to emphasize our work to improve learning, instruction, academic opportunities, and increased achievement for all of our students. We are proud of our teachers and support staff who are dedicated to providing a strong and comprehensive educational experience for all of our students. We also appreciate our great community support. We have several committees dedicated to support this work and share details about them in this newsletter.
As we start the new school year, it is important every student feels as though they are treated with dignity, respect, and feels a sense of belonging to the Meridian School District. We know the pandemic affected students and families differently. Meridian School District is committed to providing extra support for our students and families as we transition back to school. We will utilize one-time state and federal funding to provide additional services for our students in the areas of academic support, behavioral support, and social-emotional support.
We received updated guidance from the Washington Department of Health this week. We are required, by law, to follow this guidance. As a district, we know conditions are changing and we must be responsive to any updates to the guidance. We continue to prepare for a return to full-time, in-person school. More information is provided below. Thank you for your continued support and patience these past two years, as we navigated the many challenges presented by COVID.
It continues to be my honor to serve as superintendent for the Meridian School District. The countdown to returning our students is on and I look forward to catching up with them, our staff, and families in September. Until then, I hope you continue to find opportunities to unplug, recharge, make memories, and beat the heat!
Dr. James Everett
Protocols and Guidance
Start of School for Fall 2021
Meridian School District is planning for the safe return of students and staff for the 2021/2022 school year. We are planning on providing full-day in-person instruction to our students. On July 6, 2021, the Washington State Department of Health released the latest guidance for the fall. The guidance states,
…schools must plan to provide full-time in-person education for all interested students with the following required mitigation measures: face coverings/masks, physical distancing, improving ventilation, handwashing and respiratory etiquette, cleaning and disinfecting, staying home when sick and seeking evaluation, testing as indicated, contact tracing in combination with quarantine and isolation, responding to cases of COVID-19, and meeting the reporting requirements to public health.
Physical distancing is recommended and schools must have a plan that factors in physical distancing (3 feet physical distancing in classrooms and 6 feet elsewhere), to the greatest extent possible. Physical distancing recommendations should not prevent a school from offering full-time, in-person learning to all students/families in the fall. Schools should also have a contingency plan that does not include physical distancing.
As the Washington State Department of Health updates the guidance, we will communicate any updates or changes with students, staff, and families.
Early Childhood Partnerships
Developmental Preschool
For years we have had a Developmental Preschool (PK) Program led by led by a strong team made up of dedicated educators – Melissa Whitten, Kristy McKay, Ali Yee, Hillary Kaufman, Elvira Trautman, Jodi Zander, and Anne Atwood. This program has supported three and four-year-old students from our community with different developmental needs. Each year a small group of our Developmental PK students enters Irene Reither Elementary (IRE) for Kindergarten. This year we partnered with the Opportunity Council (OC) to increase the early learning programs in our district. IRE housed Head Start and ECEAP preschool programs and many amazing things have resulted from this partnership.
In our first year as partners, the OC and Meridian staff have worked to maintain collaboration to support our youngest learners. Each month student needs were discussed and plans were made to help families and the children at our school. The partnership also resulted in strong transition meetings to plan for the more than 20 students who will enter Kindergarten at IRE in the fall. The opportunity to share early childhood teaching practices, discuss specific student needs and support families with a strong start in our schools are already making an impact on the educational experience these children and families are getting. The research is clear that what happens in the early years of a child’s life is the foundation to long-term success. We are at the beginning of the partnership and the successes we are already seeing will only be magnified as these young learners begin Kindergarten in a familiar environment, with similar teaching practices and adults partnering to support them in the best way possible.
Our next step is to strengthen the partnerships with our community early learning providers (daycare for 3 and 4-year-olds and preschools). If you are a child care provider in our community and would like to be included in our partnership and future communication, please e-mail IRE Principal, Dawn Christiana, at dchristiana@meridian.wednet.edu or call at 360-296-4628.
Curriculum Counts!
Curriculum Reviews
The Meridian School District Vision states that “Each student will succeed through quality, inspirational and innovative education.” One of the ways that we support student success is by regularly reviewing our course designs and core instructional materials. During the 2020-21 school year we paused many of our curricular review processes to respond to the rapidly changing circumstances of the pandemic. As we begin the 2021-22 school year, we plan to resume our cycle of curriculum reviews.
What is the purpose of a curriculum review?
The purpose of a course review is to make sure that the course design and core instructional materials are in alignment with state law, teaching and learning standards, and research-based best practices, and to ensure that all students will receive high-quality instruction that meets their needs.
What happens during a curriculum review?
Courses or subjects are examined by review committees of district subject area coordinators and, as appropriate, external content area experts. A curriculum review may lead to the affirmation of continued use of current instructional materials, a recommendation of adjustments to the course, or the adoption of new instructional materials. If new core instructional materials are recommended, the committee will review available curriculum materials for relevance, rigor, alignment to state learning standards, and how well the instructional materials support student learning. Staff, students, and community members have opportunities to review and provide input into materials that are being considered. Based on their review, the committee can recommend core instructional materials for adoption by the Meridian School Board.
Which courses or subjects are reviewed?
Meridian will review a selection of courses or subjects each year, based on student needs, changing demographics, and funding. Recent reviews included elementary English/Language Arts, elementary science, secondary English Language Arts, and high school agriculture. During the 2021-22 school year we plan to complete our review of high school English and begin reviews of secondary math and science. We also plan to review some of our elective courses, including elementary music and art, secondary Spanish, and high school family and consumer sciences.
Senate Bill 5395, passed by the State Legislature in 2020, requires that all schools provide comprehensive sexual health education by the 2022–23 school year. Beginning this fall, Meridian will review and decide on what curriculum and educational materials we use for sexual health instruction. There is not one single curriculum required for use in Washington schools. We will provide more information about how parents and guardians can provide input into the selection process this fall. For more information about Senate Bill 5395 and its requirements, please visit the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) website.
Athletics 2021-22
Fall sports are quickly approaching! Here are the start dates for each sport:
Football- Wednesday, August 18th
Cross Country, Girls Soccer, Volleyball- Monday, August 23rd
Football, Cross Country, Softball, Boys Soccer- Monday, August 30th
There will be a High School ALL sports meeting at MHS on Monday, August 16th at 7:00 pm and a Middle School ALL sports meeting on Thursday, August 19th at 7:00 pm. This meeting will take place in the auditorium and will allow athletes and families to meet coaches and learn about athletics at Meridian High School.
Sports seasons are currently expected to have normal lengths and postseason but we do want all MSD families to know we are in a fluid situation. Flexibility will be key for the 2021-2022 school year and sports seasons.
For additional information on Meridian School District Athletics, please visit https://meridiantrojans.com or reach out to MSD Athletic Director, Bryant Michaelson at bmichaelson@meridian.wednet.edu.
Go Trojans!
2021-22 Fees Waived
It is important to eliminate as many barriers to learning and involvement as possible. Studies have shown the more involved students are with their schools, they feel better connected and experience more academic success. Last year we started eliminating athletic and ASB card fees for students. This year we budgeted to increase the elimination of most fees and reduced others. It will take some time to fully eliminate student fees. We feel this is an important step to increasing involvement and participation – as well as supporting our families. In addition to the elimination of athletic and ASB card fees, students are not going to be charged for most classroom course fees.
Trojan Technology Update
Educational Technology Levy
As we start the 2021-2022 school year, we continue to focus on the goals established in the 2021-2025 Meridian Educational Technology Initiative and supported by the Educational Technology Levy. Our original goal for this coming year was to establish the initial essential conditions needed for a successful transition to a learning model that utilizes technology to improve student learning opportunities. The pandemic, however, required us to provide devices to each student immediately to support equitable access to remote learning. Thanks to our Meridian community’s support of the levy, along with one-time funding support from Whatcom County, Port of Bellingham, and the Whatcom County Health Department, we were well-positioned to enter a four-year lease on devices for all students K-12; just in time for the start of the 2020-2021 school year and well over two years ahead of schedule (Levy Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal Areas 1, 2 & 3).
As summer comes to close, significant progress has been made to ensure those first essential conditions identified in the initiative are established. Director of Teaching and Learning Adrienne Somera was hired last year to ensure that the educational technology implementation proceeds with an emphasis on effective instruction and equitable access. (Levy Goal #1, Strategic Plan Goal Areas 1, 2, & 3). She will be joined this fall by Cynthia Richarson who will provide professional learning and support for our staff on using high-quality instruction that successfully integrates technology (Levy Goal #2, Strategic Plan Goal Areas 1 & 3). District-wide wireless access upgrades (Levy Goal #3) are being installed for improved reliability and were purchased at a 70% discounted rate through a successful application to the FCC Federal E-Rate Grant Program, maximizing our local funding.
Committee Information
Committee and Advisory Groups
We have expanded our committees and advisory groups to support our planning and development of specific areas and initiatives aligned with our Strategic Plan and Commitments. Advisories and Task Forces are groups of interested people who come together to help determine details about a specific area and meet once or twice a year or disband after the work is completed. Committees are more longstanding and will continue to meet to examine and guide areas of their purpose. Examples include our Technology Committee, Community Involvement Committee, Instructional Materials Committee, Annual Calendar Development Task Force, Equity & Access Committee, Social Media Task Force, Strategic Plan Revision & Development Advisory. New committees to be developed this year will be a Parent Advisory Committee, Wellness Committee, and Facilities Committee.
We welcome and encourage community participation on our committees and feedback. It is important for many voices to contribute and guide our work in the district. We will be expanding our outreach for feedback as we increase communication out to our families and students about the work we are doing. Details about each committee, advisory group, and task force may be found on our website on the Meridian Committees & Advisory Groups web page.
Your Vote Matters!
Are You Registered to Vote?
You can register to vote in the following ways:
Register Online— Go to http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/1832/Register-to-Vote
Pick Up a Voter Registration Form in any school office or at the District Office.
Register in person at the County Elections Office at 311 Grand Ave, Suite 103, Bellingham
School Board Director Elections
Jarrod Karuza – Director District No. 2Jarrod Karuza is running unopposed for Director, District No. 2. He will be replacing Director Renier Elenbaas.
Emily Norton – Director District No. 3
Emily Norton was appointed Director, District No. 3 after the passing of Director Brian Evans. Emily will be running to continue serving as Director, District No. 3.
Steve Corwin – Director District No. 3
Steve Corwin is running for the position of Director, District No. 3.
School Board FAQ
Who are School Board Directors?
School Board Directors are publicly elected citizens that live within district boundaries. They could be parents, grandparents, young people, senior citizens, or any member of the community.
What does the School Board do?
The School Board’s primary responsibilities are:
- Hire, supervise and evaluate the superintendent
- Set the vision, mission, and strategic goals for the district
- Review, revise and adopt policies
- Establish and oversee the budget
- Serve as a community representative
- Monitor the district’s progress towards its goals
How do I run for School Board Director?
Visit wssda.org/run for information about the requirements and how to file to run for office.
Board Docs:
All School Board information, including past meeting minutes, agendas, and upcoming meeting dates are stored on the “Board Docs” website. Please see the website link below.
Meridian School Board Meetings and Location Information:
The Meridian School Board meets in the Professional Development Room at Meridian High School. The meetings are held every other Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Meetings are also broadcasted via Zoom for those unable to make it in person. Please see the address for meetings and meeting dates below.
194 W Laurel Road
Bellingham, WA 98226
The Professional Development Room is located in the parking lot near the gym and bus garage. The room is across the parking lot from the Laurel Baptist Church.
Staff Updates
Todd Torgeson
It is with great pleasure that we introduce Meridian Middle School’s Principal, Mr. Todd Torgeson. Mr. Torgeson is a second-generation educator. He has served 27 years in education as a teacher, coach, and administrator. Mr. Torgeson received his B.A. Degree from Eastern Washington University, an M.Ed. from Heritage University while attaining his principal certification. He also recently completed coursework and received his superintendent certification from Western Washington University. Mr. Torgeson worked in the La Conner School District as a middle and high school principal and in the Sedro-Woolley School District as an assistant principal and athletic director. He also taught and coached in the Concrete School District. Over the course of his career, Mr. Torgeson served as a head football, basketball, and golf coach. He was also an assistant baseball coach. All of these activities created opportunities to develop positive relationships with students. He is very proud of his family. He and his wife, Paula, have been married for 30 years. They have three wonderful children: Terrel, Taylor, and Emma. Mr. Torgeson also has a strong connection to Whatcom County. His Dad, Tom, made ice cream at Edaleen Dairy for many years. Mr. Torgeson served as the interim Middle School Principal last year and is honored to continue his work in the Meridian School District.
Hallie Whitsell
Mrs Hallie Whitsell is honored to join the leadership team at Irene Reither Elementary, where previously she taught 4th grade and most recently served as the Instructional Dean of Students. Prior to joining the IRE team in 2016, Hallie began her career after graduating from the University of Northern Colorado with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. In Colorado, she taught 5th grade at Range View Elementary in Severance, and 3rd and 5th grade at Cottonwood Elementary in Montrose. Her love of instructional coaching and mentoring new teachers led her to earn a Master’s Degree in Teacher Leadership from the American College of Education. Presently, she is earning her Administrative Certification through the Danforth Educational Leadership Program from the University of Washington, a nationally ranked program that centers on transformative and equity-driven leadership.
Hallie Whitsell believes that every child deserves an excellent education in a safe and joyful learning environment that values them and challenges them to grow. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time outdoors and exploring the PNW with her husband and two dogs, listening to live music, and traveling with her sisters. According to Hallie, “The best part about working at IRE are the students. Their joy, excitement for learning, and brilliance brighten my day and motivate me to be the best I can be.”
Audit and Budget
School Board Adopts Annual Budget for 2021-2022
Meridian School District has prepared a budget for the 2021-22 school year with revenues and
expenditures budgeted at $29,153,574 and $30,178,574 respectively. For specific information or a copy of the annual budget, please contact Daniel Yorton, Director of Business Services, at
dyorton@meridian.wednet.edu or by calling the District Office at 398-7111.
Strong Financial Stewardship
The Washington State Auditors concluded their audit of Meridian School District on June 28, 2021. SAO issued a clean opinion on the financial statement and federal grant compliance audit. There were no audit recommendations related to the District’s financial statements. The federal grant compliance audit focused on the Title I program and had one audit recommendation finding. The finding was non-financial and identified that the District did not complete the Test Security and Building Plan for assessments during the 2019/20 school year. The District has corrected the issue and has implemented procedures to ensure the TSBP is completed timely and meets all plan requirements. For questions related to the Audit, please contact Daniel Yorton, Director of Business Services, at dyorton@meridian.wednet.edu or by calling the District Office at 398-7111
Portable Installation Update
This past spring, we had the opportunity to acquire seven double classroom portable units and one modular office unit with four office spaces. All of these portable units were graciously donated to us by Federal Way Public Schools. We are currently in the process of preparing to install three double classrooms and the single office unit at Irene Reither Elementary, and three double classrooms at Meridian Middle School. The additional double classroom unit will be installed on the MP3 campus during the summer of 2022.
We are in the permitting, planning, and development stages of these projects at the moment, with a target set for early to mid-August to begin preparing the sites for the arrival of the portable units. Site preparation will last approximately two weeks and we anticipate that the installation process will begin in late August. Once the units have been installed, our Maintenance Department will begin the work of making any necessary updates and improvements to the classrooms. The current target is to have all of the new classrooms and office spaces ready to occupy on October 1.
Substitutes Needed
The Meridian School District is looking for qualified professionals to support our staff as substitutes. Many departments within our district are looking for substitutes. Please see the list of fields below in which we are looking for substitute support:Job Title Requirements
Certificated Teacher: Bachelor’s Degree, Teaching Certificate
Paraeducator: AA Degree or Paraeducator Certification
Food Service Worker: Food Handlers Permit
Bus Driver: Class B CDL
Attendance and Achievement
Website Improvements
Website Updates
A significant area of focus as we start the new year is improving communication. (Levy Goal #4, Strategic Plan Goal Areas 4). This will include improvements to our website, social media, Skyward, Smore, and other communication systems. Family, student, and staff responses have clearly identified a desire for more effective avenues for communication. Improving the Meridian School District websites in particular to provide more timely, informative information with better navigation and accessibility is one area of significant emphasis. As we start the process of restructuring our website for ease of use and improved content, we will be asking our community for your help in ensuring changes are meaningful and helpful.
YMCA Before and After School Enrichment
YMCA B.A.S.E. (Before and After School Enrichment) is a program that provides families with a safe, supportive environment between school and home. Meridian School District’s partnership with YMCA B.A.S.E. will begin on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, for students K-5. If you are interested in enrolling your student go to https://www.whatcomymca.org/meridian-school-district-base for more details.