Strong Financial Stewardship

The Washington State Auditor’s Office concluded their audit of Meridian School District on June 28, 2021. SAO issued a clean opinion on the financial statement and federal grant compliance audit. There were no audit recommendations related to the District’s financial statements. The federal grant compliance audit focused on the Title I program and had one audit recommendation finding. The finding was a non-financial finding and identified that the District did not complete the Test Security and Building Plan for assessments during the 2019/20 school year. The District has corrected the issue and has implemented procedures to ensure the TSBP is completed timely and meets all plan requirements. For questions related to the audit, please contact Daniel Yorton, Director of Business and Finance,

COVID-19 Student Survey Results

In March Meridian Middle School and Meridian High School participated in a COVID-19 Student Survey provided by OSPI. The survey was done to provide information on what the pandemic’s impact has been on students. They developed an article to share the impact statewide. That report has had MSD details added (in blue) and is linked here.

The trends present statewide were mirrored by our students. If you would like to go beyond the article, the two surveys and their results for both of our schools are linked here…

Requirements for Summer 2021 and the 2021-2022 School Year

As previously shared, we have been waiting for new guidance from the Department of Health for our return to school. The Department of Health released a few adjustments to the previous guidance on Tuesday. There is the likelihood this document will be updated prior to the beginning of the school year and be more comprehensive. Face coverings, ventilation, cleaning and disinfecting, and physical distancing are still part of the mitigation factors schools must adhere to as we plan for our return. Even so, we are looking forward to returning to our full schedules and activities this school year.We will be watching for additional changes and details as the summer progresses. As we hear more we will pass that information on to you. Also – school supply lists for both Irene Reither and Meridian Middle School are available.

We hope you are able to get away to relax and enjoy this tremendous weather!
