Greetings Meridian Students and Families,

I want to share some information with you about a comparison of levy measures in the Bellingham Herald today. The article references incorrect language for the technology levy, which states it is an expiring technology levy. The article is correct, there is no expiring technology levy. The district has not sought local support for technology for several decades, so this current technology levy is new for Meridian School District.

The way the article is written implies there was a mistake by the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office. The error was mine. School districts are responsible for providing the language prepared by a law office to meet the legal standard for ballot measures. The ballot language was reviewed several times, but the reference was missed in our evaluation process. As Superintendent, I am ultimately responsible for the quality of the work we do. I am passionate about our district and our children. Everything we have published about the technology levy has stated it is a new technology levy. Please accept my sincere apology. I welcome any questions you may have.


Dr. James Everett, Superintendent
(360) 398-7111