James Everett

Greetings Meridian Students and Families,

As you are all aware, Friday mornings our teachers spend an hour, district-wide, connecting with content and grade-level teams to work on different aspects of instruction and assessment skills to improve their ability to help your child(ren) find success at each grade level. We started this practice last year and understand the burden it puts on families. However, there is very little time to have teachers come together – especially in a smaller system with many of our teachers wear multiple hats!

Over the past two weeks, I checked in on many teams and captured them collaborating – engaged in the PLC (Professional Learning Communities), collaborative teams. The scope of work ranged from teams sharing past processes, progress, and orienteering new staff members to calibrating student writing, reviewing assessments and dividing a team into specific skill area to share students among their team who need specific skills reinforced. Outstanding! Our teachers do a phenomenal job and are working to identify areas where they can be better. They are focused on learning and collaborating with each other to support all our students. Superb!

Join me for Drinks with the Doc on October 3rd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. I will be joined by Adrienne Somera, our new Teaching and Learning Director. We are meeting in our PD/Board Room in Building F on the MHS campus. This is typically informal and follows whatever questions come with our guests. This time, Ms. Somera will be prepared to share a bit about her new role as our new Teaching and Learning Director – and whatever else may surface! We will have coffee and treats – and look forward to talking with you soon!