Dear Parents or Guardians:

Meridian School District and Whatcom County Library System have a new partnership called ConnectED that will give K – 12 students access to the best educational resources and learning materials in our libraries and on the Internet.

Through the partnership, MSD student IDs will be used as WCLS library card numbers, allowing students to:

  • Borrow 2 physical items at a time, such as books, CDs or DVDs, from any WCLS location
  • Borrow 5 digital items at a time, such as eBooks or audio eBooks
  • Incur no overdue fines for items classified for children and teens
  • Use computers with filtered internet access at any of the library locations
  • Access other educational resources, such as online encyclopedias, using the Internet from school or home

This is in addition to, and separate from, a library card that a student may already have.

To enable the use of a student ID as a library card number, MSD will share the following student information with WCLS:

  • Student ID
  • Student Name (First, Middle & Last)
  • School Name
  • Grade Level
  • Date of Birth
  • Home Address
  • Home Telephone Number
  • Parent Email Address

No other information will be shared. Information shared with WCLS will not be shared or used outside of partnership activities.

If you would like your child to access public library resources using his/her school ID, you do not need to do anything. Your child will automatically be enrolled. To opt your student out of public library access using his or her school ID, please complete the form below and turn it in to your school.

We look forward to joining with you in this partnership, which will give students easier access to books and other resources that will help them succeed! You can read more about the partnership at

If you do NOT want your child to participate, then please download the MSD-WLCS-ParentNotification Letter attached below, print, complete and return this parent opt-out form to your school’s administrative assistant.