Greetings Meridian Students, Families and Community!
Thank you to our families, students and staff for the great first half week! There was a high level of energy and excitement in each building as I visited most classrooms last week. I want to remind everyone we host a FaceBook page, Meridian School District 505. Please follow and enjoy information about our many events around the district! I would also like to remind you of our summer newsletter and our new communications survey. You can locate our summer newsletter and all the great information here. We want to know your preferences for receiving district and building information. Click for your specific survey in English, Spanish, or Punjabi. Please respond to our survey by September 15. Thank you!
Attendance Awareness Month
September is always Attendance Awareness Month! We are emphasizing great attendance in our newsletters and with all of our students. It’s incredibly important for our students to be present and active in learning every day – starting with great attendance! It’s about lost instruction, not whether an absence is excused or not. Students can’t learn if they aren’t in school. Students who miss more than 2 days of school per month are at a distinct disadvantage in achieving grade-level progression. Please take a few minutes to visit Attendance Works – an informative website developed to provide awareness and address issues around attendance while providing practical support for students and families.
Open Houses
We appreciate the great attendance at our two open houses prior to school starting. Meridian Middle School hosted its open houses over two evenings, August 21 & 22. The Meridian Parent Partnership Program (MP3) hosted its open house on August 28th, from 10:00 – 11:00 am, providing an opportunity for students, parents, and teachers to connect. Both events were well-attended. Irene Reither Elementary will host their Open House on Thursday, September 5th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Meridian High School is also hosting its open house Thursday evening, September 5th, from 6:30-8:00 pm. It’s an important starting point for our teachers as that initial connection between parents and teachers at the beginning of the year helps provide insight into your child’s strengths and areas of emphasis. And, parents, please don’t feel like our open house structure is the only time to connect with teachers. We are all here to serve you! Email or phone your child’s teachers or principal – or me – when you have a question. We will get back to you and answer your questions.
7th Annual Hall Pass Tour – Join Me!
In our summer newsletter, we advertised for community members to join our 7th Annual Hall Pass Tour, scheduled for September 18. We are excited to share what is happening in each of our buildings across the district. All interested community members are invited on a special tour. Come to see what school looks like in 2019 in Meridian. Get the “big picture” of district operations and see students and teachers at work in their classrooms.
- Meet and chat with District Superintendent Dr. James Everett, who will lead the tour.
- Ride a big yellow school bus to each school.
- Have a 20 minute guided walking tour at each school (MHS, MMS, IRE, and MP3) with the school principal.
- Enjoy a box lunch at MHS at the end of the tour provided by the Meridian School District Food Services.
Tour Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The tour will begin at 9:15 am at the School District Board Room on the MHS campus (Building F) and proceed to each of the four Meridian schools via a district school bus. The tour will end back at MHS at approximately 12:00 pm. To reserve a “Hall Pass” for the tour please contact Kaitlyn Michaelson via email or at the district office at (360) 398-7111.
Drinks with the Doc
Each month I host an hour-long session with anyone who would like great company, coffee, and cookies. I typically have not had topics preselected – rather, depending on those who attend to share what they would like to discuss. This year will be a little different as I have invited our principals to join me at least one meeting. They will have topics they are prepared to discuss and I will still be available for whatever has you curious! The dates for our meetings this year are listed below. We don’t have all the locations nailed down, but will soon. We will advertise via social media outlets prior to each meeting so there isn’t any confusion.
2019 Drinks w/ the Doc
- September 10 at 6:00 pm – Location: Meridian School District Board Room (Yes, this is a date change. Originally scheduled for September 5, it interfered with both IRE’s and MHS’s Open House events.)
- October 3 at 6:00 pm. Guest: Assistant Principal and Teaching and Learning Director Adrienne Somera – Location: Meridian School District Board Room
- November 7 at 6:00 pm. Guest: Principal Dawn Christiana – Location: Irene Reither Elementary School
- December 5 at 6:00 pm. Guest: Assistant Superintendent Kurt Harvill – Location: Meridian School District Board Room
2020 Drinks w/ the Doc
- January 16 at 6:00 pm. Guest: Principal Derek Forbes – Location: Meridian High School
- February 6 at 6:00 pm – Location: TBD
- March 5 at 6:00 pm. Guest: Principal Jerry Sanderson – Location: Meridian Middle School
- April 16 at 6:00 pm. Guest: Principal Michelle Siadal – Location: MP3
- May 7 at 6:00 pm _ Location: TBD
- June 4 at 6:00 pm _ Location: TBD
Drinks with the Doc does not meet in July and August.