Dear staff, families and students,
To prepare for the start of the school year, please review this new information from the State Department of Health about COVID-19 health and safety guidance for schools this fall . Schools and child care facilities are required by state law to follow these guidelines.
Students and staff who show symptoms of COVID-19 are required to stay home, and should get tested for COVID-19.
- Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate at home for five days. The day symptoms start or the day staff or students test positive with no symptoms is day zero. If symptoms significantly improve and they have had no fever for the past 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, students and staff can come back to school on day 6. They are encouraged to test before returning. Students who are still displaying significant symptoms after isolation may be sent home until symptoms improve.
- It is recommended , but not required, that students and staff returning to school after their five days of isolation:
- wear a well-fitted mask from days 6 to 10, and
- remain masked for sports and other extracurricular activities on days 6 to 10.
- Students and staff who test positive after five days of isolation must stay at home for the full 10-day isolation period.
- Schools must inform students, families, and staff when there are cases or outbreaks in school. Schools are no longer required to directly notify high risk students or staff. We will continue to communicate cases through our COVID-19 dashboard that is updated weekly on Tuesdays during the school year.
Our state’s requirement for school employees and volunteers to be fully vaccinated to protect against COVID-19 or have obtained a medical or religious exemption is still in place.
To reduce the spread of COVID-19, Meridian School District will continue to offer free COVID-19 testing for staff and students at school.
Households are encouraged to test as needed at home. In Washington, you can receive free self-tests from the Say Yes! COVID Test program. Most insurance covers the costs of up to eight self-tests per individual per month.
COVID-19 vaccinations remain the best protection for everyone against hospitalization and severe illness from COVID-19. Booster doses are also available for children five and older.
We will continue to keep you informed as guidance changes or is updated. COVID-19 information is available on our website. We look forward to creating healthy spaces for our students and staff when they return.