Michelle Siadal

Dear MP3 Families,

November is a month of taking time to reflect and express gratitude for those people and experiences that we appreciate in our lives. Here are just a few of the many highlights from MP3:

·       We all paused for a moment on Veterans Day to honor the men and women who’ve served our country. Thank you for serving our country. 

·       Thank you to those that attended the MP3 skate day on the 2nd Thursday of the month, it was wonderful for families to get to connect with each other.  

·       The parent connection group met to discuss the book, The Brave Learner. The next parent connection gathering will be the 3rd Wednesday in January.

Finally, November brings Thanksgiving with an opportunity to sit down together with people who we care about to reflect on the past and plan for the future. The staff at MP3 wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!


Kind Regards,

Michelle Siadal
MP3 Principal