Dear Families,
Today marks the end of the first semester! There’s so much to celebrate from the first half of the year. Take some time this weekend to ask your student about their “wins” this semester. These might include achievements in academics, extracurricular activities, friendships, executive functioning skills, or other areas they’re proud of.
In the next week or two, you’ll receive information about report cards and conferences. Students will be preparing for these conferences during their Homeroom classes by reflecting on their progress, identifying what they’re proud of, considering strategies for improvement, and setting goals for the next semester.
We highly value the partnership between students, families, and teachers, so students are expected to attend the conferences with you. When conference sign-ups are available on Skyward, we’ll send out a notification via ParentSquare. We look forward to seeing many of you there!
Todd Torgeson, Principal
Jill Hammack, Assistant Principal
Exciting news! Meridian Middle School will be hosting a Career Fair on Friday, February 28th, where students will gain valuable insights into different professions. To put this on, we need your help! Parents and guardians, your expertise can shape students’ understanding of careers. Here’s how you can join in:
To ensure a smooth and successful Career Fair, participants are kindly requested to arrive at 8 am for setup on the day of the event. The Career Fair itself will take place from 9 am to 12:30 pm. Participants will be stationed at individual tables, where they will have the opportunity to engage with students and answer questions about their professions.
Thank you for supporting our students’ career exploration. Your involvement will inspire and guide them as they plan their future paths.
Questions? Contact us by emailing Carol Stromberg (cstromberg@meridian.wednet.
Semester 2 schedules are now visible in Skyward. Due to scheduling limitations, most student schedules cannot be adjusted. However, if you identify a clerical error or have an extenuating circumstance that requires a schedule change, please contact us. Thank you for your understanding!
Unity Care’s Mobile Dentist is coming to the Meridian Family Support Center on Thursday, February 13th.
They will be focused on seeing middle and high school students who have not had a dental exam in the last year.
This is a free service. If you would like your student to see the dentist, please fill out the attached registration form or call the office to have one sent home (360-398-2291).
*Students will be transported from their school to the Family Support Center at IRE in a district vehicle driven by Family Center staff.
Forms are due back to school by Feb. 6th. Or text/email a picture of the signed form to 360-988-1949 or aroberts@meridian.wednet.
A Peek Into the Classroom
Ashton Thomas, who teaches 7th and 8th grade ELA at MMS, is committed to empowering her students to take ownership of their learning. This dedication was on full display during a recent Socratic Seminar lesson.
In the seminar, students in the inner circle led a thoughtful discussion about America’s reaction to the space race and the ethical implications of using animals in testing. They posed questions, responded to one another, and made claims to support their perspectives. Meanwhile, the outer circle actively listened, preparing for their turn to join the inner circle.
Watching students take the lead and apply their knowledge from the unit was truly inspiring.
This strategy is a fantastic example of fostering student talk and engagement—key focuses for our district this year.
Way to go, Mrs. Thomas!
Info & Reminders
We are excited to share a great opportunity for our students. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is offering free tutoring resources through Math Nation Washington for grades 6-12. These resources are available in multiple languages, available 24/7 and includes virtual tutoring and personalized instruction. This program provides valuable support to help our students excel in math. This free tool is a great way to support your child with math at home.
To access Math Nation, have your child sign on with their district Chromebook:
Getting Started:
If you have additional questions about Math Nation please contact your teacher or Instructional Coach Cynthia Richardson, crichardson@
Applications are available now to apply for the 2025-2026 American Indian Endowed Scholarship (AIES) awards.
The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) will accept signed and completed applications that are postmarked by March 3, 2025. Applications must be accompanied with all required attachments.
To download the application and instruction materials, go to
To be eligible, an applicant must:
· Have close social and cultural ties to an American Indian tribe or community in Washington state
· Intend to use his or her education to benefit the American Indian community in this state
· Be enrolled full-time for 2025-26, beginning fall term, at a participating college or university in-state
· Have demonstrated financial need (as determined by the college financial aid office, per FAFSA)
· Be a Washington state resident
· Have not received a total of five years of this scholarship
There is a priority for upper-division and graduate-level students, however, all qualified applicants are considered. IMPORTANT: Late or incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the selection committee.
A selection committee composed of representatives from the American Indian community in-state will review and score the applications. The number of scholarships and amounts awarded are based on an evaluation of the interest earnings available in the endowment. Scholarships generally range between $500 to $2,000 each for the academic year. Finalists are announced in the spring.
Mail the signed application, with required attachments, postmarked by March 3, 2025, to:
American Indian Endowed Scholarship Program
Washington Student Achievement Council
PO Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430