Dear MMS Families,

Welcome to our final weekly update of the 2023-2024 school year.  This year has been filled with growth, discovery, and countless memorable moments.  We’ve celebrated achievements, processed loss, overcome challenges, and, most importantly, strengthened our sense of community.  Each student’s progress, each teacher’s dedication, and each family’s support have contributed to making our school a vibrant place of learning and growth.

As we wrap up this year, let’s take pride in how far we’ve come and look forward to the adventures and opportunities that await us in the future. To our 8th graders and their families, best of luck at Meridian High School.  To our 6th and 7th graders and their families, MMS will see you again in the fall!

Here’s to embracing the summer ahead with joy and anticipation.

-Todd Torgeson, Principal
-Robert Kratzig, Assistant Principal



Monday, June 17

  • Black Day
  • Last Day of School
  • 8th Grade Promotion, 9:30am in Big Gym
  • Early Dismissal, 12:20pm
Dear Families,

This year has been a great experience with your children! Summer is here and here are a few things your student can do over to keep busy and continue their learning!

  1. Encourage Reading: Keep the learning momentum going by encouraging your child to read over the summer. Visit the local library and let them choose books that interest them.
  2. Stay Active: Physical activity is essential for mental and physical health. Encourage your child to participate in sports, outdoor activities, or family hikes.
  3. Maintain a Routine: While summer is a time for relaxation, maintaining a routine can help ease the transition back to school in the fall. Consistent sleep schedules and regular meal times are beneficial.
  4. Foster Independence: Use the summer break to teach your child life skills such as cooking, budgeting, or basic household chores. These skills are invaluable as they grow older.

Have a wonderful summer and we can’t wait to see you in the Fall!

Warm regards,
MMS Counselors


Required Student Information Update Now Open in Skyward!

Families can now get a head start on submitting these forms before the new school year begins. Before the first day of school on Thursday, Aug. 29, please sign into Skyward Family Access and fill out the annual required forms for your students. These forms are required to be completed annually by our families by the state and also gives you the opportunity to make sure the phone numbers, emergency contacts, etc., that we have on file for your student are correct.

Once you log into Skyward Family Access, look on the left of the page and click on 2024-25 Required Annual Student Information Update. At the bottom of the page there will be the list of your student(s). Review this information individually and fill out the annual forms. If you need help logging into your Skyward Family Access account, try the Forgot Password/Login link, or call our Student Information Coordinator Janine Randall at 360-318-2184.

Washington D.C. Trip 2025

We are excited to provide the opportunity for next year’s 8th grade students to join Mr. Dennis and their US History teacher Ms. Garlatz on an optional but amazing trip to Washington DC from March 30 to April 3, 2025. There will be lots of learning and fun as we sight see our way through our nation’s capital including the National Mall, our nation’s most important government buildings and Mt. Vernon. We’ll also have a chance to go to Philadelphia to check out Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written.

This trip is all inclusive including airfare, hotel, food, as well as a whole program including local guides. If a deposit is put down before the start of summer the cost will be $2,305, there will be an opportunity to sign up in the fall as well but the price will increase to $2,423 for fall sign up. If this is a financial stretch please contact us and we will do what we can to provide fundraising opportunities and possibly scholarships.

Please email or with any questions.

Library Books Due

All library books are due next Friday, May 31.  Please help your students look through their backpacks, rooms, and back corners of their closets to locate any stray books that need to be returned.  Questions?  Contact our Librarian Melissa Haugen.

TDaP Vaccine for Incoming 7th Graders

The TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria, and polio) vaccine or a medical exemption signed by a Washington state healthcare provider are required by state law for all 7th graders. Proof will need to be provided to the health office before the beginning of 7th grade. If the school does not have proof of the vaccination or exemption your student will be excluded from school until one or the other is provided.

Please contact our district nurse, Stacy King, with any questions.

Summer Technology Information

Our Instructional Coach for Technology Integration, Cynthia Richardson, has created this handy flyer relating to technology use over the summer – check it out!

Summer Grocery Benefits to Eligible Families

Beginning this summer, Washington will provide grocery benefits through a program called Sun Bucks to help families with eligible school-age children buy groceries during the summer. Families will receive $120 per eligible child. Families that qualify for free or reduced-price meal benefits for the 2023-24 school year will be eligible to receive Sun Bucks. For more information visit:
