MMS Drop-Off and Pick-Up Plan
If you’re planning to drop-off or pick-up your student from MMS this year, please review the below descriptions and the attached graphics that will explain where and how this process occurs on our campus. We have a bit less space to work with than some of the other schools, so it’s important we all work together to make this process smooth, efficient, and safe.
Morning Drop Off
As you arrive for drop off, please pull into the yellow zone to wait. Do not drop off students in that area. Use the green zone for a quick stop for students to exit the car. If you need a longer time for your student to collect their things and/or to say goodbye, park in the lot so as not to block the drop-off zone. Please do not drive in the red zone (bus loop) or drop off students along the roadside.
Any students who arrive before 7:55 will need to enter the courtyard through the open gate and wait in the gray zone “Student Waiting Area” between the cafeteria and main building until doors open at 7:55. Students who arrive after 7:55am can walk through the “Student Waiting Area” and on to class directly.
Afternoon Pick-Up
As guardians arrive to pick up students, we ask that you find a place to park in the green zone on the map below, and do not drive or park in the red zones (bus loop and staff parking).
At 2:45 (end of day), all students who are being picked up will report to the new gym. Once the buses have loaded and departed, students being picked-up will be released to walk through the parking lot to find their guardian’s car. You may leave as soon as your student arrives to your car. Please drive cautiously and watch for other students as you leave.