MMS Families,
As October is Disability History month, we wanted to take the opportunity to recognize and celebrate those with varying abilities in our school. On Monday, students watched a video in their Homeroom classes (click here to view) and reflected on ways that we could make our school a more inclusive environment where everyone can feel like they belong. Here are some ways that students can create a welcoming space for students at school:
Playing with All: Encourage everyone to participate in games and activities, regardless of their abilities. Modify games as needed to make them inclusive or choose games/activities that can be adapted to accommodate everyone’s abilities.
Say Hi in the Halls: Simple gestures like greeting people in the hallway can go a long way in making individuals feel welcomed.
Lunch (with Different People): Encourage students to vary their lunchtime companions and sit with different people
Connect with People Who Are Alone: Be on the lookout for individuals who may feel isolated and make an effort to connect with them.
Be Kind and Invite to Community: Extend invitations to events, gatherings, and group activities, ensuring that no one is left out. Create a sense of belonging.
These are great suggestions that you could talk to your child about in helping create a more welcoming and inclusive environment at Meridian Middle School.
MMS Counselors |