Secondary Conferences Feb. 7-9

Next week, Feb. 7-9 will be middle and high school conferences. This means Meridian Middle School and Meridian High School will be on an early dismissal schedule Feb. 7, 8 and 9. 

Meridian Middle School will dismiss at 12:20 p.m. and Meridian High School will dismiss at 12:10 p.m. Irene Reither Elementary School will dismiss at regular time.

Elementary Conferences Feb. 14-16

Elementary conferences will be Feb. 14-16. That means Irene Reither Elementary School will be on an early dismissal schedule at 1:15 p.m. for Feb. 14, 15 and 16. 

Meridian Middle School and Meridian High School will operate on regular schedules.

No School Feb. 17 and Feb. 20

There is no school for all students and school offices are closed on Friday, Feb. 17. There is no school for all students and school offices and the District Office are closed on Monday, Feb. 20 in observance of the Presidents Day holiday.

The school year calendars for 2022-23 and 2023-24 are available on our website.

Accessing Skyward 

In order to support families with logging in to Skyward Family Access, we will be sending a reset account link from Skyward later this week. If you already access Skyward, you can ignore this email. For those who have not yet signed into Skyward, please follow the instructions in the email to get signed in. If you need help, please contact your school. The link to login to Skyward is a quick link on the top right of your school homepage.

Skyward is an online account where you can view your child’s grades, test scores, schedules, attendance and access important forms. School report cards will be available in Skyward beginning Feb. 1. Paper copies will be available at elementary and middle school conferences. High school report cards will be mailed home after the semester ends.

Need help getting started? View Skyward Family Access Tips (English) (Spanish) (Punjabi) (Russian) (Ukrainian).