From the Principals…
Trojan family,
The 2024-2025 school year is officially underway! It’s been such a blast having our students back on campus, our teachers back in action, and seeing relationships and connections flourish. We just know it’s going to be a great year!
Our sports season is also now underway with several athletic events happening in the next week. See the calendar below for more information!
Two other important pieces of information are in this newsletter – information about signing up for fall conferences and information on our new aligned MMS & MHS cell phone policy. See the sections below for more details!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Go Trojans!
Mr. Doffing, Principal
Mr. Kratzig, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
Saturday, August 31
- Football Jamboree, 1:00pm at Bellingham HS
Monday, September 2
- No School – Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3
- 6 Period (“Monday”) Bell Schedule
Wednesday, September 4
- 6 Period (“Monday”) Bell Schedule
Thursday, September 5
- 6 Period (“Monday”) Bell Schedule
- Varsity Volleyball Scrimmage, 5:00pm at MHS
Friday, September 6
- Late Arrival, School Begins at 8:55am
- Last Day to Buy Yearbook (in Window 1)
- Varsity Football at Apple Bowl (Wenatchee) vs. Deer Park, 6:00pm
Saturday, September 7
- Varsity Girls Soccer vs. The Bear Creek School, 4:00pm at MHS
General MHS Information
Fall Conferences
At MHS we enjoy the opportunity to start out the year meeting students and families, taking the time to get to know more about what we can do to set up students for a successful year. This year, our conferences are Tuesday, September 10th, Wednesday, September 11th, and Thursday, September 12th. On those dates, MHS will be on an early dismissal schedule with the student day ending at 12:10pm.
We will have afternoon (12:40pm-2:55pm) conference time slots available on all three days, and evening (4:00pm-6:55pm) on Tuesday only. You can reserve your conference time by logging in to Skyward. Additional instructions are also available if you need additional direction on how to navigate the conference scheduler within Skyward.
Our goal is 100% attendance, so please schedule your appointment today! If none of the times available work, reach out to your child’s Homeroom teacher via phone or email to problem-solve. Our main office can also be reached at 360-398-8111 to help schedule conferences via phone as well.
MHS Phone Policy
This year, Meridian High School worked alongside Meridian Middle School to create a unified approach to handling student cell phones in the classroom.
Here are the main details:
- Classrooms are always phone-free, even when it’s not class time
- Students should plan to put cell phones in backpacks when they enter a classroom (not in pockets)
- A student who has their phone out will have the phone held by the teacher for the remainder of the class period
- Students who have their phone out a second time that week in a class will have their phone held by the office for the remainder of the day and parents will be contacted
You can read the full policy by clicking here.
PSAT Sign Ups
Sign up now to take the PSAT! The PSAT is a standardized test that helps you prepare for the SAT, measure your academic skills, and can qualify you for scholarships like the National Merit Scholarship. It’s free for Juniors and only $30 for Sophomores. Sophomores who pay this year can take it again for free next year to get a second opportunity.
To sign up, please fill out the Google Form by Friday, September 13. If you have any questions, see Mr. Kratzig or Mr. McMains. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to get ahead in your college prep!
Running Start – Changing Plans
If there are any changes to the number of classes you are taking at either the high school or college, you will need to fill out a new Enrollment Verification Form. This form needs to be signed by your counselor at Meridian High School (MHS). FTE, which stands for Full-Time Equivalent, refers to the amount of time you spend at each school. For example, one class at the high school counts as 0.18 FTE. You can find more details about this in your Running Start agreement with the high school.
Remember, the RSEVF (Running Start Enrollment Verification Form) is important for funding purposes, so it’s necessary to have a revised form submitted to both the high school and the college if anything changes.
Just a reminder that Meridian High School uses GoGuardian to monitor student use of district-owned devices. Students are expected to use their devices for school-related and school-appropriate uses only. Administrators are able to access history of devices and are alerted of use not consistent with our technology agreement.
Student Parking Passes
For this school year, all students who drive to school will be required to have a window hanger parking pass as well as register their vehicle. The first step in the process is to complete this Google Form and then Mrs. Gookstetter will provide you the appropriate pass. Passes will be required starting September 9.
One more note – students who attend Meridian High School (for any portion of their day) will only be allowed to park in the west lot in front of the academic building – not the lot by the gyms. Additionally, the MP3 lot is off limits to MHS students.
Last year we launched StudentSquare at Meridian High School.
StudentSquare helps us improve communication with our students. Important information about school activities, events and athletics is shared through StudentSquare. All posts sent through StudentSquare will be supervised by an advisor and can be monitored at any time by an administrator.
Students can choose to download the StudentSquare app onto their phone or they can access StudentSquare through a web browser.
ConnectEd through WCLS
The Meridian School District participates in the ConnectEd partnership with the Whatcom County Library System.
Students can access books, audiobooks, e-books, digital resource materials, research aids and much more. Better yet, no fines accrue for overdue items! If you do not wish to have your student participate in this program, please return the below opt-out form to the library.
If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Waterman at .
Schedule Changes
Due to increased enrollment and changes in teacher assignments, it may be challenging to accommodate schedule changes as we have in the past, as there are fewer available slots in elective classes. Schedule changes will only be considered if there is an error or if it affects a student’s graduation pathway. For students in Running Start with scheduling conflicts, we recommend adjusting your college courses.
While some students may not receive their preferred classes, please remember that our dedicated teachers are committed to providing an excellent high school experience.
If you have questions, please contact your school counselor, keeping in mind that schedule changes may not be possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Seniors Signing Out
Students who are 18 years old are eligible to complete a process to be able to sign themselves out and excuse their own absences. Please see Mrs. McMains in the office for the form once school begins if you’d like to set up this process. Please note – parent approval is required.
Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks are officially on sale! The price is $75. Yearbooks can be purchased online or in the high school office. The sales window will close September 6 – so get yours today!
School Supplies
Meridian High School does not have a standardized school supply list. Please plan on providing your student with the basic (pens, paper, pencils, etc.) and individual teachers will communicate specific supply needs on the first days of school. Please remember to have district issued devices charged and ready to bring with you on the first day of school.
Health and Nursing Update
Students with life threatening conditions (such as type 1 diabetes, anaphylaxis, seizure disorder, etc.) need to bring new doctor’s orders for emergency care and medication on or before the first day of school. Students who require these plans must have them turned into the nurse before they are permitted to be on campus.
Please email the school nurse at with questions.
Community Information and Resources
Family Resource Center
The Meridian School District Family Resource Center will reopen on August 19. The center is open daily from 8:30 to 3:30 in portable 400A on the Irene Reither campus.
Students who qualify for free or reduced meals can stop by to get school supplies or sign up for Operation School Bell which provides new school clothes for students enrolled in Meridian School District. We also have the clothing closet available for any Meridian family looking for gently used adult and kid clothing.
Questions? Contact Alicia Roberts (English) at 360-988-1949 or Elvira Trautman (Spanish) at 360-306-2886.