Dear Students and Families,

The start of school is just around the corner!  I want to assure you that our dedicated team of educators at Meridian High School has been hard at work over the summer, preparing an engaging and enriching experience that will inspire and challenge our students.

To our returning students, welcome back! Your presence brings a sense of familiarity and continuity that helps set a positive tone for our entire school community. Your experiences and insights are invaluable, and we can’t wait to see the growth you’ll achieve in the coming months.

For those of you joining us for the first time, welcome! You are now part of a community that is committed to Belonging, Communication, Support, Wellness, and Learning. We believe that each of you brings a unique perspective that will make MHS a better place for everyone. Please know that our doors are always open, and we are here to support you as you begin this new adventure.

Families, your partnership is invaluable to us. We greatly appreciate your support in creating a positive and motivating atmosphere for your student’s education. Together, we can ensure their success both inside and outside the classroom.

We look forward to a fantastic year!  Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns. Let’s make this a great school year!

Here’s to a successful, fulfilling, and exciting first week of school!

MHS Office Team

Conferences/Open House

Meridian High School will be on an early release schedule so fall conferences can take place on September 12th, 13th and 14th.

All students will participate in student-led conferences.

In addition to conferences, there will be an Open House and Resource Fair for all households to come on campus and meet their students’ teachers and get more information about the resources that we have available for students and families.. This will take place after evening conferences on Thursday, September 14th.

More information about conferences and open house will be included in next week’s newsletter



Schedule Changes

While we certainly make every effort to grant the schedule requests that were made by students, it simply is not always possible. If you were placed into classes that you would like to change, please read the following conditions.

Students have the opportunity to change their schedules only under the following circumstances:

  1. They have been mistakenly placed in a class at the incorrect level.
  2. They have already taken the class and it is not available to be taken again for credit.
  3. The class is an elective and the change is to a different elective offered at the same time (provided there is space available).

Class change forms will be available Tuesday, September 5th – Friday, September 8th. They are in the office, on Mrs. Blankenship’s counter. Please complete the form and submit it to the basket. Please make sure to check the schedule to see what other classes are offered during that period. The counselors will them evaluate the request and respond within the next day.

Please check back in the file on Mrs. Blankenship’s counter for the response.

It’s Time to Buy Your Yearbook!

Yearbooks will be on sale until September 8th, 2023. The cost is $70.00. This is the first purchase window of the year. There will be other times to purchase a yearbook during the school year, but get yours early, so you will be guaranteed to receive a yearbook at the end of the school year. Yearbooks can be purchased in the high school office or online using the online payment portal on the high school website.





Students Driving to School

Students who plan on driving to school need to register their cars with the office.  Students need to register their cars every year. Please complete this Parking Registration Google Form to register your car.


School Hot Lunches This Week

Thursday – Corn Dog w/ Fries
Friday – Spicy Chicken Burger on WG Bun




Attendance Information

Being present in class is vital to be successful in school. We want to encourage all of our students to be at school every day! If you are missing school, you are missing out on learning!

If your kids miss a day or even part of a day of school for whatever reason, please contact our attendance secretary, Mrs. McMains by either phone (360-318-2260) or email ( the reason for the absence. If they are going to miss because of an illness, please call or email in the morning and let us know! If there is a planned absence, please contact her and she will take care of notifying teachers. If she is unable to answer the phone right at that moment, please feel free to leave the information on her voicemail.



Picking Your Student Up Early From School?

If you need to pick up your student early from school, please contact the office at 360-398-8111. We would be happy to get your student for you. If possible, please try to call at least 30 minutes in advance. We understand that emergencies happen and a last minute pick up may be needed, but it is great to have the extra time to make sure your student is ready when you arrive.


Arriving Late to School?

Please remember to sign in when you arrive at school. Make sure to write your first and last name on the sign in sheet. Remember we need to be able to read your writing.

Picture Retakes

Picture Retake Day will be October 2nd, 2023. More information will be available as the day gets closer.






Classes begin on August 30th for students attending NCTA at MHS and at the Mt. Vernon Campus.  Students traveling to NCTA in Mt. Vernon travel from MHS on the school bus.  The bus leaves promptly at 7:00am. So, please be on time.  Have a great first day!

MHS Points of Contact
Derek Forbes, Principal:       
Shaun Doffing, Assistant Principal:
Cheryl McBride, Counselor A-J:
Don McMains, Counselor K-Z:
Tami McMains, Attendance:
Lori Blankenship, Registration:
Kelly Gookstetter, Head Secretary:
Gina Heslep, Athletic Secretary:
Stacy King, School Nurse:
Chromebook Tech Support:
Stay Connected
Website –
The homepage has access to recent news.
Meridian School District on Social Media
Instagram:  @meridianschooldistrict505