This year we are implementing StudentSquare. This is the student version of ParentSquare. Just as ParentSquare provides one location for all school communications, StudentSquare will be that place for students so they can stay up-to-date on important information and deadlines.

Students will be invited to download the StudentSquare app onto their phones or login to StudentSquare using a web browser. StudentSquare is only available at the high school and is connected to their district email address.

Important information about student activities, events and athletics will be shared with students through StudentSquare. When a message is sent through StudentSquare, it will also be sent to their district email address. All posts sent through StudentSquare will be supervised by an advisor and can be monitored at any time by an administrator.

We hope this will be a positive improvement in communication for our students and will encourage them to be engaged with school.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Derek Forbes
