With snow in the forecast, it is a good time to take a moment to review our winter weather procedures. Depending on conditions (which could include snow, flooding, power outages, etc.), the school day could be impacted. Please familiarize yourself with the information below to be prepared for changes in the school schedule.
How will I be notified of school closures or delays?
A message will automatically come to you if you are a parent/guardian or staff member. You can update your contact information in Skyward Family Access or by calling your school office. Alerts are sent through ParentSquare. ParentSquare uses your contact information from Skyward. You do not need to register your account in ParentSquare to receive alerts.
Where can I find weather or emergency information?
- An email, text, app notification and/or phone call will automatically be sent to you via ParentSquare.
- Tune to local media: 790 AM, 96.5 FM, 104.1 FM or Seattle media.
- Check www.meridian.wednet.edu
- Check @meridianschooldistrict505 on Facebook or Instagram
- Sign up for notifications through FlashAlert
What are snow routes?
A snow bus route is a modified route that is used when road conditions are impacted by weather and driving a school bus in some areas may not be advised. Transportation will make individual arrangements for students who receive specialized transportation.
If snow routes are in effect, students must catch their bus at the alternate stops below:
- Route 1: Van Wyck Road, Guide Meridian side: Meet at Ryzex Way, on W. Horton Rd.
- Route 4: E. Horton Road: Meet at Ryzex Way, on W. Horton Rd.
- Route 7: Zander Road: Meet at E. Smith Rd.
Where can I find more information?
Visit our Weather Notifications webpage for more information about inclement weather and delays.