Principal’s Message
Hey IRE Families,

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback on what content you would like to learn about in our weekly updates. Nearly 40% of families reported they wanted to hear about curriculum and classroom activities. It’s great to hear about what everyone is interested in. The next largest category was hearing about what is happening around Whatcom county so that you know more about opportunities for your children outside of school. More to come related to your feedback!
This next Thursday, I will be hosting a Coffee Chat to hear more about what your hopes are for your students’ and family’s experiences.
Some questions we may cover:
  • What are your hopes and aspirations for your child?
  • What do you want your students to know and be able to do when they leave IRE?
  • From your child and family’s experience, how has IRE been helpful?
  • From your child and family’s experience, what areas could we think more about?

If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP here.



Around The Campus

Trojan Trot – Friday, October 6                                                                 

Students are encouraged to wear school colors of black and gold or any Meridian spirit wear.

Pledge envelopes are due Friday, October 6th. Funds must be turned in no later than Monday, October 9th to be considered for prizes.  Additional donations or funds are welcome at any time.

We will be having Spirit Week leading up to the Trojan Trot!

Monday, October 2 – Pajama Day

Tuesday, October 3 – Time Travel- dress from the past or the future

Wednesday, October 4- Wacky Wednesday (wear your clothes inside out or backwards, mismatched or crazy hair)

Thursday, October 5- Sports/uniform day- sports team or athletic wear

Friday, October 6 – TROJAN TROT DAY – Meridian Black & Gold

GREAT NEWS: Available again this year: students may collect online donations via

Email us at

Join our group on ParentSquare: PTA       Join our Facebook Group: Meridian PTA

Drop-off and Dismissal Updates

  • If you arrive before 3:30 p.m., please continue to pull into the gravel parking lot. This alleviates congestion significantly and allows us to keep fire lanes open.
  • Thank you for using the gravel parking lot for pick up.  As a result, we have been experiencing more efficiency, safety and calm flow during dismissal.
  • If you prefer to bypass the gravel lot, please plan to arrive between 3:30-3:40 p.m. This allows you to merge straight into the car lines. Please do not enter car lines before 3:30 p.m.
  • Adjustment: please make use of both car lines during both drop off and dismissal. This prevents back up and keeps traffic flowing.
  • Pick Up Zones: Blue, Yellow and Green zones are closer in proximity this year. There may be some overlap and you may be directed to pull forward past your zone. We are coaching students to be on the lookout for their vehicles and ready to walk forward to meet you.

New SDM Attendance Feature:
IRE families are now able to report absences and late arrivals using the SDM app and you will see new tabs to enter these.

Google Guardian Summary Invitation and GoGuardian Parent App

Google Guardian Summary Invitation

You should have received an invitation from Joe O’Brien, Director of Technology and Assessment, to sign up as a guardian in your student’s Google Classroom (grades 3-12). Accepting this invitation will allow you to receive emailed summaries to see what has been assigned to your student in their classes. You must opt in to receive these summaries.

Additional information about this feature can be found in the links below:

GoGuardian; Chromebook Monitoring for Parents
Meridian School District uses GoGuardian to keep students safe on their school-issued Chromebooks. Parents of students in grades 2-12 have access to the GoGuardian Parent App. This application allows web-based filtering and parental controls on school-issued Chromebooks at home. You may set rules to allow or disallow certain websites, scheduled or on-demand internet pausing during out-of-school hours.
The app gives parents a bird’s eye view of the apps and websites that their kids are on most often and control over school-issued Chromebooks during out-of-school hours. With this perspective, parents can be made aware of what types of browsing behavior schools are seeing from students, so they can all work together to encourage more effective internet browsing habits at home and at school. Directions for this app are on our website.

Learn more:

If you have any questions, please contact

Thriving Futures! 

Connecting our Commitments Superintendent Engagement Series

Wednesday, September 27

5:30-6:30 P.M.
IRE Library Foyer

Dr. Everett will share exciting district updates and also provide an opportunity for questions and discussion. This month Dr. Everett will talk about the start of the school year,  and share updates about the future Whatcom County Skills Center and Whatcom Early Learning Center.

These monthly meetings are open to the public and light refreshments are provided.

Meridian Spirit Wear 2023Your online orders are due by midnight, Saturday, September 30

To order:

1) Visit

2) Click on Meridian Fan Wear to shop!

3) When you’re ready, click on VIEW CART to review your order  and check out.

4) Choose Pick Up at Advantage Sports – Lynden, WA (you  will still be asked to enter your shipping address).  Your school’s representative has arranged to pick up all orders  together to be distributed at your school.

5) You must pay with a credit card at check out.

*No credit card? Call or email us to order (see contact info below).

All orders will be processed TOGETHER after the due date. Please  note that all Meridian apparel is made-to-order, and is therefore  not returnable or exchangeable. Please call Advantage  Sports prior to ordering if you have any questions!

Advantage Sports | 360.318.8669 | 210 Nooksack Ave. | Lynden | M-F 10-5