We are transitioning from all remote learning to hybrid and there have been many questions.  It is our hope this FAQ will help answer some of them.  Additional questions can be sent to Principal Dawn Christiana at dchristiana@meridian.wednet.edu or text 360-296-4628.

When do all students come back to school together?  We are bringing students back following guidance from various organizatiosn (OSPI, Washington Department of Health, Whatcom County Department of Health, Center for Disease Control and L&I). All grades will start in a hybrid model coming to school two days per week and learning remotely three days per week.

Kindergarten starts October 19th 9:00-12:00 with full days starting Monday, October 26th 9:05-3:40.

1st and 2nd start October 26th with full days 9:05-3:40

3-5th grade will begin 2-3 weeks after the 1st and 2nd graders (a specific date will be announced soon)

Will transportation be provided for students? Yes, we will have full bus services.

What happens if a student starts coughing, will they be sent to the nurse? Since coughing is a COVID symtpom, staff would be expected to send a student to the nurse.  The nurse can assess the students health registration form for other possible causes of the symptoms.

How can parents help?  Be sure to do the daily home health check and keep your child home if they have any possible COVID symptoms.  We know this means children will be kept home more than normal and  we remain in a pandemic and want to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Why are we using the stickers? Our attestations stickers are a way for families to communicate the health of our students.  You know your child best and also know when something we might see as a COVID symptom is due to another condition (i.e. seasonal allergies, asthma).  Please be sure your health registration form in Skyward is up to date to keep our nursing staff informed and able to check if a child is sent to the office. THANK YOU!

Does a child have to be tested for COVID every time they get sick, even with a cold? No, testing is optional.  Our nurse does recommend testing to be sure the symptoms are not COVID.  Please note:  If your child is sent home with symptoms associated with COVID, you have options:

No test=return to school after 10 days from the onset of the symptoms AND at least 24 hours after fever and symptoms have are resolved

Test with negative results=return to school 24 hours after fever and symptoms are resolved

Test with positive results=return to school 10 days from the onset of the symptoms AND at least 24 hours have passed since recovery (recovery is no fever without the use of antipyretics, improved respitory symptoms)

Will my child have to wear their mask all day? Yes, we require students to wear their masks all day, however they may pull it down or let it hang from the clip we will provide when eating and when outside for PE or recess as long as they maintain the physical distancing.  If students are playing closer than six feet they will be asked to wear their mask when outside.