What is Special Education?

Special Education is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique needs of students eligible to receive Special Education services. Special Education is provided at no cost to parents and includes the related services a student needs to access their educational program.

Early Stages (ages 0 – 3): Early intervention services are available to children who have disabilities and/or developmental delays. The Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) program provides services to eligible children and families in a variety of settings – in their homes, in child care, in preschool or school programs, and in their communities. Meridian has a developmental program located at Irene Reither Elementary School for preschool aged students three and older.

School Age (ages 3 – 21): Students with disabilities who are determined eligible for Special Education and related services are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Services are provided to eligible students according to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in preschools, elementary, and secondary schools, or other appropriate settings. Special Education teachers in Meridian provide services in classes as well as pull outs. We also have specialized programs such as life skills and supporting children with autism.

Learn more about Special Education services from OSPI.



Aaron Jacoby
Director of Special Services

Leslie Pagnossin
Coordinator, Special Services


Name Position Phone E-Mail
Aaron Jacoby Special Services Director 360-398-7111 ajacoby@meridian.wednet.edu
Leslie Pagnossin Special Services Coordinator 360-318-2154 lpagnossin@meridian.wednet.edu
Darla Hostutler Psychologist 360-318-2463 dhostutler@meridian.wednet.edu
Catherine Hull Speech Language Pathologist 360-318-2460 chull@meridian.wednet.edu
Kristy McKay Developmental Preschool Speech Language Pathologist 360-318-2512 kmckay@meridian.wednet.edu
Melissa Whitten Developmental Preschool Teacher (Special Education) 360-318-2414 mwhitten@meridian.wednet.edu
Chelsey Hoglund Physical Therapist 360-318-2418 choglund@meridian.wednet.edu
Ali Yee Occupational Therapist 360-318-2415 ayee@meridian.wednet.edu
Bri Litvin Occupational Therapist 360-398-7111 blitvin@meridian.wednet.edu