Greetings Meridian Students and Families,
There are two items I’m excited to share in this message. The first is about our placement of two levy resolutions on the February 2020 ballot. The second is about the great appreciation I have for the adults here in the Meridian School District!
2020 Levy Campaigns
The Meridian School District will be placing two resolutions on the February 2020 special election ballot. The EP&O (Educational Programs & Operations) levy will replace the current levy that will soon expire. The new technology capital levy will support student and staff technology improvements, as well as meet safety and security needs. The Meridian Citizens for Education Committee brought the two measures to the school board at the October 23rd school board meeting and the resolutions were approved at our November 6th meeting.
For school districts, state funding doesn’t cover all the needed expenses. Meridian School District has a long-standing tradition of proud community support in passing a levy every four years to help pay for things not funded by the state: smaller class sizes, support staff such as nurses and counselors, vocational programs, athletics, music, drama and other co-curricular activities, facility maintenance, after-school and summer-school programs, transportation, staff professional development, school supplies and much more. The technology levy will provide sustainable funding to upgrade our technology infrastructure, improve student learning, update devices, and meet overdue security and safety needs. In all, approximately 13% of our entire budget is supported through local levy dollars.
Voters typically approve a levy in four-year increments. The previous levy provided funds for the operation of the district from 2016 through 2020. The new February 2020 requests will ask voters to replace the expiring educational programs and operations levy and to provide for a technology levy from 2021 through 2025. All school districts in our region will be running levy elections at this time. For more information, please visit our levy information page on our web site: 2020 Levy Information.
Much Appreciation!
I am especially proud of our students’ accomplishments and the incredible dedication and devotion all of the adults in our district have contributed toward offering a diversity of programs and multiple avenues to challenge and grow our students. These things don’t just happen. It takes immense dedication and support by our students and their advisors, coaches, teachers, and volunteers…and the tremendous support of our Booster Club, PTSA, and Western Washington University’s Compass to Campus mentor program. Learning happens in all types of arenas – beyond the classroom. We are so fortunate to have multiple avenues extend learning – for which I am proud and grateful.
Congratulations are in order for our Trojan volleyball, football, cross country and girls soccer teams for their great seasons and, for some, outstanding opportunities to continue competing in the postseason! Congratulations, too, for our FFA Ag Mech Team taking 8th at the FFA National Convention! I look forward to cheering on the volleyball and football teams this weekend! It is also the great performances of our band and choir students, Trojan Cafe, drama, FFA trapshoot, Honor Society, Teen Court,
Dungeons & Dragons Club, bowling and so much more. Whether it is a new sport, like girls bowling at MHS or the musical, Smokey Joe’s Café, there are a large number of activities and opportunities for students to be engaged – at all levels.
Our middle school students enjoy multiple sport seasons, art, music, horticulture and outdoor education. They also have a flag team, drama club, participate in the Pickford Film Festival and coordinate many events through their leadership program – among other activities. At Irene Reither Elementary, in conjunction with the PTSA, our students had a phenomenal time running in the annual Trojan Trot event, as well as enjoying the annual Snuggle Up & Read evening in late October. Our 5th graders engage in Wheat Week and enjoy the annual Snow Goose excursions on Bellingham Bay. All of IRE enjoys the support of library and Trojan Store volunteers. I invite you to check out our Meridian Facebook Page where we have been highlighting all of the great things happening with students throughout the district. Learning Thrives Here!