Workplace Violence Prevention
The workplace violence prevention group will consist of employees from the primary, elementary, and secondary grades, as well as from the classified work groups. If appropriate, workplace violence prevention groups will be established at each school and major work site. The workplace violence prevention group is responsible for making recommendations in the following areas:
- Assessing district/building practices for potential hazards or improved security practices;
- Efforts to inform all employees about the workplace violence prevention program;
- Assuring that all employees comply with security measures;
- Recognizing employees who perform work practices that promote security in the workplace;
- Training and counseling programs to enhance awareness of workplace violence issues;
- Including workplace violence prevention in new employee orientation;
- Annual review and update of the workplace violence prevention program;
- A system for notifying the district about workplace security hazards or threats of violence; and
- Processes for protecting employees who report threats from possible retaliation.
When possible, the district will provide the following assistance to employee victims of domestic violence: resources and referral information; work schedule adjustments or leave as needed to obtain medical, law enforcement, legal, or judicial assistance; and workplace relocation. To the extent possible the district will maintain the confidentiality of employee victims of domestic violence, while taking necessary steps to protect the workplace and other employees from possible violence.
Adoption Date: 01.08.14