Accountability Goals
Adopting Performance Improvement Goals
Annually, the board will do the following:
1. Adopt district-wide performance improvement goals for the measures included in the Washington school improvement framework.
2. Direct each school in the district that enrolls students in grades three through eight and/or high school to establish goals to increase the measures included in the Washington school improvement framework consistent with state and district goals.
The district and each school in the district will establish English language arts and mathematics improvement goals using the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (the “ESEA”) to determine the increase in requirements described above for all students and for each of the groups required by the ESEA.
The district and each school will establish annual performance improvement goals in accordance with the following:
1. As a starting point for determining annual performance improvement goals, the district and each school will use the most recently available results of the school improvement framework.
2. The performance improvement goals for assessments administered in the spring of 2027 must be consistent with the goals outlined in the state consolidated plan. At a minimum, the district and each school must adopt the following goals:
a. Ninety percent of students eligible to be assessed will meet standard on the required state assessments.
b. The graduation rate for all students and each of the groups required by the ESEA will not be less than ninety percent.
c. Performance improvement goals using the requirements of the ESEA to determine the increase in the percentage of students making progress toward English language proficiency included in the Washington school improvement framework. [The language in 2.c. is only necessary if the district administers the English language proficiency assessment described in the Washington accountability plan approved by the U.S. Department of Education.]
3. The district and each school must establish goals for each of the Washington school improvement framework indicators for all students and for each of the groups required by the ESEA.
Reporting Progress
Annually, the board will report the following information at a public meeting and in writing:
- The district’s performance improvement goals;
- Student performance relative to the goals; and
- District and building plans to achieve the goals, including curriculum and instruction, parent and guardian involvement, and resources available to parents and guardians to assist students in meeting the state standards.
Annually, the district will report the district’s progress toward meeting the district and building goals in a news release to local media.
In each school’s annual performance report, the district will include school-level goals, student performance relative to the goals, and a summary of school-level plans to achieve the goals.
Cross References:
Board Policy 4000 – Public Information Program
Legal References:
RCW 28A.655.100 Performance goals – Reporting requirements
RCW 28A.655.110 Annual school performance report—Model report form
WAC 180-105-020 Performance improvement goals
WAC 180-105-040 Definitions
WAC 180-105-060 Establishing goals
Management Resources:
2020 – May Issue
2010 – June Issue
Policy News, December 2005 Requirements Revised
Policy News, October 2003 A+ Commission’s Revised Performance Improvement Goals
Policy News, June 1999 Accountability Bill Includes Policy Implication
Policy News, August 1998 CORRECTION: Reading goals policy
Policy News, June 1998 Boards must set reading goals
Adoption Date: 01/16/2002
Classification: Essential
Revised Dates: 01/21/01, 07/24/13, 07/15/2020